Hold Your Horses, Donald Trump

There is an old saying in the United States, Hold your horses. No one seems to know the origin of the saying. When I was a child my father used to borrow mules from his uncle, a farmer, to plow our large garden. He would load up a wagon with a plow and disk in […]

How to Destroy China

The majority of the people in the United States rejoiced when the evil Biden regime was dumped by the voters. Joe Biden’s family businesses received millions from China and other sworn enemies of the United States in exchange for Biden being their puppet. Nearly everything the Biden Regime did was detrimental to the United States. […]

Trump’s Mandate

Donald Trump received a mandate from the people of the United States in last month’s election to get rid of corruption, incompetence and waste in our government. This sounds like an impossible task. Even Superman would likely approach this challenge with fear and trembling. Superman used to fight for truth, justice and the American Way. […]

The New Sheriff in the United States

In the western expansion of the United States most towns usually had a paid lawman called a sheriff to deal with lawbreakers. If a new sheriff was chosen who had little patience with wrong doers, word got to troublemakers that a new sheriff was in town, and they better get out of town. The United […]

How Secure Will the 2024 Elections Be?

On November 5, 2024 millions of Citizens of the U.S. and an unknown number of non citizens will be voting for the new President of the United States. Why do I say non citizens will be voting? Because they will. Some states send ballots to anyone who gets a driver’s license and some states give […]