Should the Democratic Party Be Designated a Domestic Terror Organization?

The people of the United States have been abused by the Democratic party for a long time. Finally, some Democrats have recognized this and voted Republican in the recent election allowing Donald Trump win by a landslide. Donald Trump, unlike most politicians who win, went to work immediately on carrying out his promises to the […]

Exciting Things We Hope for in 2025

After all we suffered under the Communist Puppet Joe Biden the bar for Donald Trump is not very high. We are hoping Trump will set the bar high and restore the United States into a nation of freedom, competence and prosperity. First order should be to close our borders to invaders from other lands. Then […]

Wars and Rumors of Wars

The Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, in the Bible has this passage concerning the Latter Days. Verse 6 says, “And you shall here of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” I take it to mean, the […]

Presidential Debates, A Waste of Time?

As I watched the so called Presidential Debate a few impressions came to me. Kamela Harris spent a lot of time with her corrupt advisors preparing to attack Donald Trump for many things, most of which he was not guilty of. She could not debate her positions because most voters do not agree with them. […]

Is the Democrat Party a Criminal Organization?

Some countries are run by criminal organizations. China is a good example. The Communist Patry is a criminal organization. The Communist Party rules the country with an iron fist and enrich themselves while millions are in poverty. The income of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Leader, is a secret, but experts on China think he is […]

Will Democrats Dump Joe?

Rumors are circulating that the Democrats will Dump Joe Biden this summer before the November Election. But you many say this is just a rumor. Maybe. But in government and in politics sometimes the best source of information is rumor. As a former government employee, I learned when you heard a rumor it would likely […]

A New Movement Has been Started on American Colleges Campuses

A new movement has been started on college campuses beginning with the Ivy League. At Columbia University Students have begun to self identify as dogs. Of course everyone should recognize immediately who is behind this movement. It is the Communist Controlled Administrators, Communist Professors and Communist Students who control the student organizations. Where did all […]

When the Wicked Rule the People Mourn

The title of this blog comes from Proverbs 29:2 of the Old Testament. Joe Biden surely fits the description of a wicked person. Everything he does has evil purposes. Even going in “Public Service”, which was really self-service, was done to enrich himself. The Founding Fathers of this once great nation envisioned elected persons as […]