Asian Privilege in Virginia

For years Radicals, Communists, Marxists, Liberals, Progressives or whatever People of Evil prefer to be called have been pushing the false narrative of white privilege. We White People who grew up in poor families wish we had known about our white privilege when we were young. We might have enjoyed our poverty more. Now for the shocking news! Apparently other races enjoy privilege as well. In Northern Virginia there was criticism from the above mentioned groups of discrimination against Black High School Students since their representation in a Governor’s Gifted School was less than their proportion of the school population. A ridiculous argument believed only believed by leftists. Further investigation revealed that the majority of the students in the gifted school are Asian.

Circle the wagons radicals. This challenges their false narrative that white people and only white have privilege. Do Asians have Asian privilege in acceptance to a gifted school? Call your partners in crime in the news media . Have them suppress this information immediately. The left also accused Asians of cheating by hiring tutors to help their children improve their scores to help them get into the Governor’s School. How shocking! Demanding academic excellence from you children and hiring tutors to help you children achieve is now considered cheating. How about considering it racist as well?

The Governor’s Schools were set up to give opportunities for high academic achievers to reach their full potential. Now left wingers are demanding a race quota be used to determine who gets accepted. Will this be an end of the Governor’s Schools? How do you justify a gifted school if the admission criteria is based on race. Governor Northam, our racist Governor, will never grasp that concept.

The Radicals are even claiming that the teachers who do the recommendations to Governor School and those who chose which student can attend are biased. Do not be surprised if those two groups will even admit they are biased, not because of any truth in the charges, but because they will not stand up to leftist bullies. Will that mean the two groups will admit they are biased in favor of Asians? The antics of the left bring to mind Garrison Keeler’s Prairie Home Companion of yesteryear. In his fabled town of Lake Woebegone all the students were above average in intelligence. We are aware of one county that considers all its students gifted. If every student is gifted how do you distinguish excellence?

With the left pushing for race based admissions should we not be demanding the Justice Department investigate the Asian Community? Some years ago a survey was conducted in Virginia indicating South Koreans and their descendants had incomes above the average of the state average. Should being Korean be considered systemic racism? Should being Asian be considered a hate crime? Should Asians be censured and shamed for having Asian Privilege?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith. Share with your friends. or if you want to be mean share with a left winger.