Are the Policies of the Democrat Party the Cause of a Declining United States?

Can we make the case that the policies of the Democrat Party are causing a declining United States? Or can we make the case that the reason the Democratic Party has so much power currently is because of the declining values of the citizens of the United States.

Let’s examine our decline as a result of the Democratic Party being in control of most of our government post Donald Trump. The Democrats once claimed to be the advocate for the working man and the oppressed. Whether any of that is true may be debatable but my opinion of the Democrat Party is, it is now a criminal organization.

We can start with the invasion of our country by millions of foreigners. The Biden regime, with the support of his fellow criminals in the Democrat Partly invited foreigners to come to the United States illegally. Even though our laws require rules for people entering the United States they totally ignored our laws. Their plans are to quickly give the right to vote to these people assuming they will vote Democratic. While they are trying to consolidate their political power to accomplish this evil design they are giving these invaders billions in welfare benefits. It is likely to bankrupt our nation.

Within these hordes are criminals, gang members, drugs dealers and terrorists. One hundred thousand of our citizens died from illegal drugs smuggled into our country last year. Our open borders are giving the Mexican Cartels a great opportunity to expand their crime organizations into the United States. The invaders are not being vetted. We do not know which ones are a danger to our society. The Democrats put power and getting gain, while they are in office, above the safety of our citizens. Our cities are not safe places to be thanks to the Democrats.

Since the House of Representatives is in Republican Control they are able to investigate questionable activities of the Biden Crime Family. Joe’s son is suspected of peddling influence for money on behalf of Joe Biden. Investigations so far seem to indicate Federal Law Enforcement knew this was happening and hid from the public. The Biden Crime Family is alleged to have laundered as much as $25,000,000 through companies set up to launder money. Joe Biden is now a multi-millionaire. It is interesting that Joe’s son pleaded guilty to tax evasion rather than have his actions scrutinized by a court of law and implicate his father. Will Joe issue a pardon before he leaves office? Think of this. The Democrats have been attempting to get Donald Trump convicted of many crimes. Remember the Democrats slogan, “stop Trump by any means possible”? Yet when Joe Biden is suspected of a real crime they are doing everything possible to prevent any investigation of him.

Joe and his fellow criminals took us from an energy independent country to a President begging our enemies for oil. Since our goods are dependent on transportation, depending on gas or diesel fuel, we had rapid inflation of prices as a result. Then after inflicting so much pain on the citizens Biden and his band of Democratic Robbers went on a spending spree with programs designed to benefit his fellow criminals who vote for Democrats. Since there was not enough money in taxes coming in to pay for these “pork barrel” programs they borrowed money. They also printed money to pay off the borrowed money. With so much money coming into circulation prices were raised to compensate for the loss in value of the dollar. Simple Economics that Democrats cannot grasp. The Democrat Politicians are not intelligent enough to realize that people’s incomes do not automatically go up with the inflation they are causing.

The Democrats in government are also relying on their allies in the news media and social media to lie and distort truth to make them look good. They have pressured these groups who do not fall in line to censure anyone who tries to expose their criminal activity. One of our federal law enforcement agencies was actually investigating parents who complained about the trash their children were being taught in public school. Another was investigating Catholics. With all of the above have Democrats done anything to benefit citizens of the United States? Nothing comes to mind. In fact, it looks like they are trying to destroy the country.

No honest person can say the Democrats being in power for the last four years has been a blessing to this country. But how did they get into office? If we can believe the polls nearly half the country still plan to vote Democrat after all the abuse we have suffered from them. Remember the lessons of history? Rome was once a feared and mighty nation. then moral decay set in. Three things often cited leading to the collapse of the Roman Empire were corruption, division of the empire and invasion by Germanic Tribes. We have the corruption covered as many are turning from God and his commandments that bring happiness and safety when the commandments are obeyed. The politicians are doing their part in being corrupt as well. We have a different method of dividing the empire. Communists tried to gain power by turning economic classes against each other. That model did not play well in the United States so the Democrats came up with plan B. That is to divide us by race or by ethnic groups. Picturing white people as oppressors and black people as the oppressed. is a well- oiled Democrat practice. Our invasion is orchestrated by the Democrat Party and is an illegal migration invasion. There were other reasons why Rome fell and some of the other reasons parallel things happening in the United States currently. A return to God by our citizens may be only way to save us from destruction.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.