Are Republican Congress People Earning their Pay?

The people of the United States hired new management for Congress in November of 2021. People who are dependent on the government dole and those who benefit from corrupt management to keep money flowing their way turned out to be in the minority. Now that the Republicans have a mandate in Congress to clean up corruption what will we get from those we have hired? The Democrats were lock step in supporting corruption. Nance Pelosi always had all the Democrats supporting all her bad bills that were and are destroying our country. Are we seeing the same unity from Republicans in Congress? It would seem that some Republicans are like the Democrats in pursuing personal riches rather than serving those who sent them to Congress.

The Republicans have started having hearings on corrupt actions by the Democrats. Is this just for show or will they do indictments against the abusers. No hearing should be undertaken unless the goal is to verify wrong doing and bring criminal charges against the evil ones. Already Dr. Fauci after being accused of lying to the people of the United States. suppressing facts, doctoring facts, supporting giving US tax dollars to a Lab in China that was doing gain of function research and then claiming he knew little about it and encouraging suppressing of information of any medical opinion contrary to official government positions was allowed to retire and collect a retirement from the government far in excess of what most of the citizens get. He never had to stand trial for the things he was accused of.

Biden’s Library has received millions of dollars from Chinese “Citizens” His son has business interests in China. Gee, maybe a lot of people in China admire Joe and contributed to his library. Another thought is Joe has been compromised by Chinese money. An investigation into Chinese money flowing to the Biden Library and the Biden Family Business needs to to be looked at or maybe we need Biden’s press secretary to explain how much Biden is revered by the Chinese People.

Joe became a multi-millionaire in government service. How did that happen? We need a record of his financial dealings. The Democrats set the precedent by demanding Trump’s business records and the Republicans need to follow precedent. They also need to take a closer look at the infamous Hunter Biden laptop that the FBI is hiding from public view. There are allegations from Hunter that he had to give part of his take from his Chinese Business Dealings to the “Big Guy”.

Joe has been breaking the law by inviting illegal immigrants to come to the US and letting them cross the border illegally. That is criminal conduct and Joe should be in Jail. The Mexican Cartels are sending drugs in with the immigrants that are killing thousands of citizens. Joe should be impeached. Kamela Harris is alleged to be in charge of border security but is totally uninvolved and should also be impeached for malfeasance office. Once we get rid of these two bad actors we will have come a long way toward cleaning up corruption.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.