Are People in California Hopeless?

What are the downsides of living in California? You would need a book to cover all the downsides so we will just cover a few. First is far left Democratic Politics that are engulfing the entire state. The Wall Street Journal does an extensive review of all the states each year such as financial health, standard of living and government services. Guess who got what I call the slime trophy by being chosen the worst state two years in a row? If you guessed California you get a gold star. California is a “Blue State” politically with a few far left organizations such as environmental and other special interests groups controlling what happens in the state. It is instructive to know the five best run states are all “Red States”

Environmental leftists are good at raising money even from normal people who do not realize their money will be used to accomplish things that are detrimental to the donor. Those leftists raise millions to support Marxist Democrat Politicians who will become puppets to the leftists who use them to destroy the United States.

The left controls education in California making K-12, not a beacon for learning, but a place where Children are immersed in Marxism. How is that working out for California Parents? California is now ranked the poorest school system in the nation. Middle class parents are trapped in a school system that is detrimental to their children.

Now comes the latest lunacy from their Marxist Governor. He wants to do away with all gasoline powered vehicles in ten years. First electric vehicles are expensive which makes them toys for the rich and great leaders. Then California will not likely have enough electricity to charge all the vehicles for those who can afford them. Then comes the loss of jobs for those in the oil industry along with those who maintain non- electrical vehicles. But do not worry. Marxists have assured us we will be very happy under a Marxist Regime. And the great leaders will be thrilled because they will be able to steal enough from the slaves to buy a Tesla.  As for the slaves they do not really need a car since under Marxism they will not have enough income to go on shopping sprees or go on vacation. They can stay in their tiny apartments and be happy. This will benefit the common man since cars are so expensive and they can stay home and save money.

Since the great leaders in California want to have solar and wind powered electricity there will be severe electrical shortages. Also since solar and wind electricity is so expensive the non-government workers can do without and save money.

Then there are the water shortages which the great leaders like to blame on drought. Drought is always possible any place on planet earth so why did the great leaders not plan for droughts in planning for future water needs. The water shortage was caused by leftists blocking building any water storage dams.
So the people can compensate for not having drinking water by drinking wine. The common man in California does not need a daily bath. It is a useless social custom that has no place in a Marxist society. Once a week will be enough. Just think how much less water Californians will need if they take only bath a week. That will cure the water shortage. If people only take one shower a week they will still be happy.

The cost of living is outrageous and Californians need to learn to get by on fewer material things. We understand the government is planning on putting overweight people on a diet by restricting how much they can eat. They will then be healthier and happier and this will also prevent food shortages. Under Marxism everyone will be required to be happy.

California leads the U.S. in homeliness and the great leaders will soon be saying it is a good thing. We understand the great leaders are planning on passing laws requiring everyone who has surplus room in their homes to provide space for the homeless. Surplus space will be defined as any bedroom that is not currently occupied. The citizens will be happy they can provide space for the homeless and the homeless will be happy they do not have to sleep on the hard ground. So by government decree every one will soon be happy.

California cities are filthy as the homeless continues to dump filth on the streets. Most of these people are mentally ill or drug addicts and are a danger to themselves and others. The Marxist Government is their enablers.

Why would anyone want to live in California? There are some sane people in California. When does abuse from the Marxist Democrats become too high a price to pay for great weather? When Californians had a chance to recall Governor Newsom they voted him in. Is this like an addition? Have the majority become so addicted by Marxists Pablum that they no longer recognize the difference between good and evil? Have the Marxist Democrats presented evil so long that the people no longer recognize good? Have the people given up? I once offered to take an alcohol addicted man to AA and to stay at the meeting with him and he turned me down. He said he had tried that and it did not work. He was saying his condition was hopeless. Is that the condition of Californians?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of faith.