Another Unfavorable Poll for Joe Biden

Just when you would think Joe Biden could not get more unpopular the latest polls give him a 38 per cent approval rating. It is truly shocking that 38 percent of the people in the United States give him an approval rating. It makes you wonder who these people are. It makes you wonder if those surveys were secretly sent to China, Russia, Iran or to members of the Mexican Cartels. Are there that many people who get gain by bribing politicians who are currently holding office for favors? Are there that many people who depend on free governments handouts to support them? Is there a grand coalition of people who either cannot or will not try make it in this world without government help?

Joe Biden has nearly destroyed this country since he has been in office. While he is incompetent and mentally incapable of leading this country it is hard not to believe much of what he is doing is deliberate with the goal of destroying the United States. What is his motivation? Follow the money. Joe has become a multimillionaire in government. How would you do that without taking bribes and using influence to enrich himself? I have yet to hear anyone argue that Biden got rich because of his talent in Business, for good reason.

Does Biden care where the money comes from as long as he gets a cut? A lot of money is flowing to the Biden Family from Communist China. China does not give out money unless they are buying influence. Even if Biden were not a puppet of the Communist Regime in China his earnings and “contributions” for his Presidential Library from the Chinese would raise a lot of questions. What is the relationship between the Cartels and the Communist Party in China? The Cartels send a lot of money to China for the ingredients in the drugs they sell in he United States. With Biden’s open borders policy the Cartels are making billions easily moving drugs across our borders and killing many of our citizens. They also are making billions moving people to our borders where Biden protects them from deportment. Is there a tie in between Biden with the Chinese communists and the Cartels. Dare we ask if Biden is receiving money for the help he is giving the Communists and the Cartels? We believe Biden is engaging in criminal conduct in ignoring our laws. The Republicans have been hampered by having an illegitimate government in power who rose to power through unverified mail in ballots. Now is the time for the Republicans to stamp our corruption.

Not only are we at risk from drugs and Chinese Influence but we are burdened with supporting millions of illegals, many of whom will be dependent on governments all their lives. This alone may bankrupt the country. We believe Biden is a criminal who belongs on jail.

Biden spent billions, with the support from his Democrat Partners in crime. We did not have the money so they printed more money causing severe inflation. This is adversely effecting every citizen, even the fools who support him.

Biden has been appointing Communist sympathizers to government agencies who in turn are attempting to take away our freedoms. Impeach him now! We need a two party system in this country but one of the should not be the Democratic Party. In a recent attempt to pass a bill giving parents rights in deciding what their children can be taught in secondary schools the Democrats were 100 per cent against it. This indicates to us total corruption of the Democratic Party. Teachers Unions, who have been taken over by radical leftists, give the Democratic party a lot of money. Money is the Democratic Party’s number one pursuit. What do they care about the citizens of our country? For the radicals in the Teacher’s Unions their goals are very simple. Change the United States into a Marxist Society and they want free reign in indoctrinating children in Marxism.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.