Another Biden Disaster
After canceling the oil pipeline and causing gas prices to skyrocket, pushing his spending bills we cannot afford causing rapid inflation, opening our borders to terrorists , gang members, drug dealers and other criminals and illegally transporting these people to cities over all the U.S. to prey on the citizens and pushing the Communist inspired Critical Race Theory to divide our military you would think the Biden Regime had done enough to destroy the United States but it looks they are just getting started.

The retreat from Afghanistan looks like an amateurish blunder. As a matter of fact it is so amateurish you could easily guess it was planned the way it is happening to cause harm to the United States. What fools would leave billions of dollars in military weaponry to a terrorist organization. What will they do with the weapons? If you guessed use the weapons to terrorize the people in Afghanistan and nearby countries you get an A in this class. To heap incompetence on incompetence the Biden Regime removed the military without getting the U.S. citizens out first. The retreat is a disaster of epic proportions. A few guys show up in in pickup trucks with guns and the armed forces which were once feared by the enemy, are sent into full retreat by the Surrender in Chief. Now the guys in pickup trucks have become so emboldened by the Biden Regime. They are dictating the terms of the surrender and even attacking our troops in full retreat. What is next? Will the Taliban hold hostage the U.S. citizens left behind tor money? Like the Iranians the Taliban have learned to deal with incompetent government officials.

The Biden Regime has been having secret meetings with the Taliban. Did the Biden Regime agree to leave behind billions in military weapons in exchange for Taliban promises to let the military leave without being attacked? Did the Biden Regime give money to this criminal organization in addition to free weapons? It may be the Taliban kept their promise , if one was made, since Isis took responsibility for the recent attacks.
Regardless of what went on in secret Biden is supposed be the Commander in Chief of our military and keep our citizens safe which is not happening. The Taliban and Isis are painted as religious extremists and terrorist organizations but they are also criminal organizations that want a cut in the drug trade. The Chinese Communist Party, also a criminal organization , has been cozying up to the Taliban hoping they can share in the drug profits. When the U.S. Military completes the retreat do not expect peace to come to Afghanistan. The Taliban and Isis will likely fight each other for control of the drug trade. Look for China to work behind the scenes to foment this strife hoping they can infiltrate the centers of power to take control of the drug trade for themselves. It is ironic that our government officials are ridiculing the Afghan military for going into hiding when our own military is in full retreat. Based on the lack of vetting the Biden Regime has done on illegals at our southern border the Taliban are probably getting thousands of their terrorists to the airport to be put on airplanes to the United States.
Some Republicans are asking Joe Biden to resign, which needs to happen. What we need is a better outcome for the United States. Could anyone seriously suggest that a Kamala Harris or Nancy Pelosi, who would be next in line for the presidency would be an improvement?
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.