An Interview with the People to Re-elect Joe Biden Committee

This week the Forum interviewed John A. Dunce, who is the National Director of the People to Re-elect Joe Biden Committee. The Forum takes no stand on the positions of Mr. Dunce or the committee.

Forum: Thank you for being willing to be interviewed by the Forum Mr. Dunce. Our first question for you. Is the committee funded by the Democratic Party?

Mr. Dunce: Our organization is non-partisan. We accept donations from people of any political party. This is a grass roots movement of people who recognize the great work Joe Biden has done to benefit the world. Our members are excited about Joe winning the Office of President a second time.  Many people think he has accomplished so much for the United States and the world that he is already likely the greatest president we have ever had.

Forum: But are not the polls showing that Joe Biden has an approval rating of less than 40%?

Mr. Dunce: Our experts tell us that Fox News and the other extreme right wing and white supremacists’ groups have been manipulating the results of the polls.  Our own polls show Joe Biden has an approval rating of nearly 90%. Our sources, which we are not at liberty to identify, currently tell us the Justice Department is quietly investigating Fox News and the other white supremacist groups for spreading misinformation and indictments will soon be forthcoming.

Forum: With gas prices skyrocketing under Biden, negatively affecting millions of Americans, do you think this will have an adverse effect on Biden winning the next election?

Mr. Dunce: I think the increase in gas prices will help cement President Biden’s win next time. First, people realize the biggest part of the increase in gas prices was brought on by Donald Trump and his extreme right supporters. They were able to block investment in green energy to protect wealthy oil producers. If those on the right had invested in green energy, we would have plenty of cheap non- polluting energy right now. Joe Biden saved the United States from disaster. If he had not put the brakes on toxic fumes from fossil fuels many in the US. would be dead now. Most Americans appreciate the way the President stood up to wealthy oil producers and will vote for him again.

Forum: The President has invited millions of foreigners to come to the U.S. illegally, which has offended  millions of our citizens. Will that hurt Mr. Biden in the next election?

Mr. dunce: On the contrary. People in the U.S. have always been proud that the oppressed have been able to come here and become successful. We appreciate our great leader providing opportunities for the down- trodden. The people coming here have committed no crime. The only thing they have done is try to make a better life for themselves. Most people will be able to see through the white supremacist lie that they are breaking the law. How could making a better life for yourself or your family be breaking the law? Joe Biden has the support of most of the American People on this.

Forum: Due to the frequent changes in counsel to our citizens, suppressing information and bullying people who disagreed with federal health agencies positions, many have lost confidence in public health agencies. For instance, Dr Fauci was accused of suppressing an article suggesting a six feet social distancing rule was not effective in preventing the spread of Covid. Does this lack of confidence give the Biden Administration a black eye?

Mr. Dunce: We consider that article on social distancing misinformation. We only listen to science- based information. The Karl Marx Scientific Lab in New York did some research models and determined that 10 million more Americans would have died if it had not been for social distancing rules. Dr. Fauci has been a blessing to this country. He is meticulous in studying scientific data to make sure we get scientific facts rather than misinformation. Many will vote for Joe because he has brilliant scientific minds like Dr. Fauci to keep us safe.

Forum: Many Americans believe that Joe Biden did not win the last election. Others have been adamant that Joe won and consider any such argument insurrection. Recently an investigation proved that 137,000 ballots in Wisconsin were unlawfully trafficked. Does this change your opinion that there was fraud in our last national election?

Mr. Dunce: The news media have proven that the last election was the fairest in history. There were new laws providing new ways for people to vote which may have confused some. All the investigation showed was people did not know how to apply the new laws. The 137,000 represented legal voters and in order for us to have fair elections every vote cast should count. We feel that all votes should be sent by mail or that volunteers should collect the votes and take them to drop boxes because many poor do not know how to find the drop boxes and not doing so would discriminate against them.

Forum: One last question Mr. Dunce.  The Biden Administration wants to spend billions of dollars for climate control, environmental justice and global gender equality. With our country’s current National Debt, can we afford all this spending?

Mr. Dunce: The United States is the richest country in the world. The President should budget even more money to save our planet. We would have more than enough money to pay for these things if the rich would pay their fair share. We could have equity for all and there would be no poor among us. All the world’s people would be happy. The American People desire this and they will vote for Joe Biden overwhelmingly.  

Forum: Thank You Mr. Dunce for expressing your views.

Mr. Dunce: It has been my pleasure. I look forward to the time that we will have one world government preferably head quartered in Beijing, China and we will all be happy.  

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith and we will all try to be happy.