An Interview with the Ministry of Truth

This week’s blog is an imaginary interview with Will A. Liar, coordinator for the Ministry of Truth for the Biden Regime.

Forum: Thank you Mr. Liar for your wiliness to be interviewed by the Forum.

Mr. Liar: It is my pleasure. Speaking the truth is my mission.

Forum: Some people believe the president is cognitively impaired. What is your answer to that?

Mr. Liar: It is not the truth. Often the President and I will play checkers before he begins his grueling day. Most of the time he beats me. I can tell you he plays like a champion. If he were cognitively impaired he would not be able to play like a champion.

Forum: There is much speculation that the President will not run for re-election. Do you think he will?

Mr. Liar: I think he will. He is strong mentally and physically and there is no reason he should not. He is loved by the citizens in the U.S. and throughout the world. The people will plead for him to run again.

Forum: But do not the polls indicate the President’s popularity is the lowest of any president since the polls started at this stage of his presidency.

Mr. Liar: These polls are misinformation. You will recall some years ago the news media declared Dewey a winner over Truman and had to retract their news articles. The President inherited an economic mess from that incompetent Donald Trump and it is difficult to recover from that. We will see the results of the President’s heroic efforts to save the country soon and he will have the ship righted. He will win in a landslide if he chooses to run again.

Forum: What do you think are some of the most important things the President has done to endure him to the people of the U.S.?

Mr. Liar: Donald Trump was destroying the world and running rampant over protecting the environment by allowing evil oil billionaires to produce more oil and cancelling environmental laws that were protecting us from annihilation. Some scientists predicated life might have ended on earth within 20 years if the President had not come along. He had the courage to stand up to the Oil Billionaires and say, “enough is enough”. Soon the price of electric cars will come down and the middle class will be able to afford them and our air will be clean enough to breathe. When that happens, the President will become the most popular person on the planet. He has kept us out of war with Russia, China, Afghanistan, Iran, Iceland, Cuba and the Land of the Giants. By doing this he saved millions of lives in the United States. And think about Cuba. They are only 90 miles from Florida. Think of the terror it would bring to us if Cuba launched thousands of boats bringing Cuban Troops to invade Florida. The people appreciate how safe we have been, unlike during the administration of that war mongering Trump and will re-elect the President again.

Forum: The polls indicate the majority of our citizens are concerned about illegal immigration. Will not that hurt Joe in the next election?

Mr. Liar: The majority of the people want more immigration. It is only the deplorable racist supporters of Donald Trump who want to keep non-whites out. The rest of us are compassionate people and approve of the oppressed walking across our borders. The complaint we hear most is the U.S. is not doing enough to help the oppressed, and how could we help them more than allowing them to come to the United States? This will be an important part of our message in the next election that the Democrat Party is doing our part to help the oppressed.

Forum: Is it true that the U.S. government is giving millions of dollars to Catholic Charities who in turn give cash grants to illegal immigrants who cross our borders? And is not supporting religious organizations unconstitutional?

Mr. Liar: the reason we are giving money to Catholic Charities is we do not have enough trained government workers to handle this function and we consider them government contractors. What Catholic Charities are doing is Humanitarian  not religious and our Justice Department assures us that it is  not unconstitutional. 

Forum: President Biden released oil from our strategic reserves claiming it would reduce our oil prices, but them sold some of it to China through a company his son Hunter owns stock in. If that against the interests of the United States and even illegal?

Mr. Liar: Oil is not a local issue but something of world-wide concern. Our goal was to get more supplies in the world- wide market to reduce the price of gas. It is working. The price of gas has been trending down since the release. As to your other concerns we depend on many goods manufactured in China and gas will ensure that these goods keep coming to us. We think for that reason it is in the best interest of the U.S. that China receives affordable gas. As for your other concern about legality the President has a strong moral compass and never does anything wrong. He has some of the greatest legal minds in the world to advise him and they assured him that what he did was not illegal.

Forum: What are some plans for the future that excite you?

Mr. Liar: One of the things I am most excited about, and will excite most of our citizens except the deplorable racists, is plans for a new department called the Department of Injustice. This department will investigate any report from anyone anywhere in the U.S. who feels an injustice has been done to them or if anyone has hurt their feelings.  That department will have law officers empowered to arrest anyone accused of injustice or anyone hurting someone’s feelings. They will be held without bond because they might endanger others.

Forum: A source has told us that the Department of Education is planning on some big changes on what is being taught in K-12 grades. Can you tell us anything about that?

Mr. Liar: Our present system of Capitalism is an unjust system that abuses minorities and Marginalized People. We Democrats feel that the Philosophies of Karl Marx are much more just and we plan to make them an integral part or the K-12 curriculum throughout the country. We realize that Trump right wing extremists will fight back hard against enlightenment so we plan on withholding federal funds from states that do not comply with this much needed change. Our promise to the American People is we will make these changes a matter of Federal law if they will help us keep control of the House, Senate and Presidency.

Forum: Many of your Democrat Colleagues in government vowed to fundamentally change the United States from a Republic to a Communist Country. Do you feel you are getting close to accomplishing that?

Mr. Liar: Very close. Most of our citizens support that. As you know Barak Obama’s favorite professor in college was a Marxist. During Obama’s two terms in office he set in place changes that brought us closer to having a Communist Government. Donald Trump was able to manipulate the vote and steal the election from Hillary Clinton. If Hillary had won I feel sure we would now be a just Communist Country and would have cancelled Trump and his racist followers. President Biden has made a lot of progress towards our goals but it takes time to eradicate Trump Behavior in people. I fell sure if we Democrats can win the House and Senate in November and the Presidency following that we can have a just society and everyone will be happy and our great leaders both in China in the U.S. will be ecstatic.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is intended.