An Interview with the LGBTQCLP+ Community National Director
This week the Opinion Forum had an exclusive interview with Frank B. Gay the national director of the LGBTQCLP+ Society of America which we print for the enlightenment of the public. The forum takes no position on the views of My Gay or the Society.
Forum: Mr. Gay, would you explain the letters in the title of the Society and also some new letters that have been added, CLP, that we are not familiar with.
Mr. Gay: Sure. The L stands for Lesbian and are women who are physically attracted to other women, G stands for Gay who are men who are attracted to men, T stands for Transgender and they are people who are attracted to those born a different sex than themselves and also those born the same sex as themselves. Some refer to them as switch hitters, to use a baseball term. Q stands for Queer which is a term used for someone who is not sure where he or she fits in the LGBTQCLP+ spectrum. The CLP stands for Child Love Practitioners and are people who are attracted to children. The + is for people a little outside the usual LGBTQCLP spectrum. For instance, they might be attracted to animals or aliens. Like the Democrats with their “Big Tent” we want to be inclusive to everyone.
Forum: We are surprised that you include CLP in your organization since society is less willing to embrace CLP than the other groups in your spectrum.
Mr. Gay: CLP people should not be ostracized from our society. These are Dr.’s, lawyers, teaches, government office holders and people from all walks of life. They contribute a great deal to our society. They have families who love and value them. Many have their have their lives and careers destroyed because they love children. The only crime they have committed is loving children. Just like some are born with an opposite sex attraction some are born with an attraction to children.
Forum: How should society deal with CLP people?
Mr. Gay: One of most important things we must do as a society is to change laws allowing boys and girls to decide who they want to spend time with by the time they are 12 or 13. In the Jewish Community when a boy turns 13 he has all the rights and obligations of a Jewish Adult. Our laws should be changed to allow people 12 or 13 to have the freedom to decide who they want to associate with. We think that is a right guaranteed in the Constitution, that is. liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Right now, we are working with some elected officials, whom I am not at liberty to name presently, to propose laws to lower the age of consent to 12.
Forum: Should adults be charged with a felony for involvement with those under the age of 18?
Mr. Gay: That should not be a felony as long as there is consent. A lot of children are neglected or beaten in our society. An adult should not be criminally charged for showing love and concern for these children. A neglected child needs to feel someone loves them. The government is actually forcing CLP to register with the government and banned from working with youth when youth desperately need to find someone who cares for them.
Forum: What is your opinion of someone who is born male who wants to compete as a female in women’s sports?
Mr. Gay: They should not be discriminated against because they were accidently born in the wrong body. All sports should be open to everyone regardless of their gender identify. It would be cheaper to only have one sport open to all rather than to have male and female sports. Some states have banned participation based on gender identification at birth. Our lawyers are preparing suits to ban this sexual discrimination. Also, some of our colleagues in public office are proposing a Constitutional Amendment banning sexual identification on their birth certificates. We feel a person should have a constitutional right to decide their own sexual identity.
Forum: What are the biggest obstacles to gaining gender preference acceptance and civil rights for LGBTQCLP+ citizens?
Mr. Gay: I would say it is Christians. They are the ones who supported slavery and the abuse of Blacks. Now that same type of bigotry is now being applied to those in our community. They claim to follow Jesus. But did not Jesus teach love and acceptance for everyone? Did not Jesus tell the woman who committed adultery that everyone is going to heaven no matter what we do? What we are working to achieve, with our colleagues in political office is hate crime laws that will make it a felony to criticize or ostracize members of our movement. Our cause for civil rights for our people is just.
Forum: what is being accomplished to educate the public concerning the injustices committed against your community?
Mr. Gay: We are very excited about the work our colleagues in public education are doing to help our cause. We have met with the teacher’s unions and they pledged their support in getting Our LGBTQCLP+ story told. In spite of Christian Bigotry in trying to get books favorable to us banned from school libraries we are getting more books put in libraries telling of the discrimination against us. Those who write school curriculums are sympathetic to our society. They are quietly writing our story from kindergarten to the twelfth grade. Our colleagues are also putting books on required reading lists that support us. If our efforts were in winning a war, rather than winning souls to our community, we would be crushing the enemy right now.

Forum: Mr. Gay. Thank you for telling your community’s story.
Mr. Gay: Thank you for the interview.
This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.