An Interview With an Anonymous CCP Official

This week I found a note on my desk from someone who did not self identify, along with an transcript of an interview this person claimed to do with an official in the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The interviewer explained that the person he interviewed would only give a first given name which was not his real name. According to the person who was interviewed if his identify is discovered he will be kidnapped, tortured and his body will be cremated. He said his family would have no knowledge of his whereabouts. The interviewer said if his identify is discovered he will also be in grave danger since the Chinese Secret Police have a clandestine operation in the United States. The Central Committee Official told the interviewer that our government agencies know about the clandestine operations but are keeping it secret to make sure they do not upset the Chinese and have it harm our trade relations with China. A lot of our government office holders have stock in companies that make a lot of money from trading with China and the Biden Regime looks the other way for obvious reasons.

This alleged interview poses ethical problem for The Forum. A journalist should verify his source to make sure the information appears to be true. However, if we had more information on the person interviewed it might allow the Chinese Communists to identify and destroy the interviewee. We also do not know the motivation for the Chinese Official giving the interview. Even an opinion forum, as we bill ourselves, should attempt to have sound reasoning and a high probability of the information being accurate. After mulling this problem over we finally decided to print the interview with an admission that we have no way to determine if it is accurate. We will leave it up to our readers to decide if it sounds reasonable. A key might be to compare what the interviewee says with what we know of the Chinese Communists, what they have done in the past and what the evil philosophies of Karl Marx are that guide them today. We will call the interviewer Jim and the Central Committee Official Lin.

Jim: What are some of your concerns about the Chinese Communist Party?

Lin: I joined the Communist Party as a youth because I was impressed with their concern for the downtrodden. I wanted to be part of that great movement to have everyone equal and share so their would be no poor among us. I have been disillusioned with what I have experienced as far as sharing everything and making everyone equal. What I see in the leadership of the Communist Party is greed for power and money. The leaders have an income that gives them a life of ease and luxuries that is not attainable to most Chinese. Many Chinese are going hungry and without the necessities of life while the leaders in the government have what they need. Even with an income that gives them a comfortable lifestyle they are not satisfied. Many of them are taking bribes to enrich themselves which grinds upon the faces of those who are struggling. I have found that most of the leaders do not care about the ordinary Chinese Citizen. They are only interested in enriching themselves.

Jim: The greed for money surely flies in the face of Communisions’s claim to make everyone equal. What are your concerns about the freedom of people in China?

Lin: Karl Marx envisioned a people dedicated to working together to have a happy people and I am not seeing that in China. Everything is about control by the leaders. They do not have any concern about anyone but themselves. China has lost it’s soul. China once had a beautiful culture. That culture has been destroyed by abusive leaders trying to control every aspect of people’s lives. People are indoctrinated to believe everything the leaders tell them, even telling them what to do and say. The people have lost their ability to create. That is why we Chinese have to steal ideas from the rest of the world to survive. If a Chinese Citizen tries to think for himself and oppose the abuses of the leaders he will be severely punished and even killed if he does not submit. The Chinese only know fear. They consider themselves without hope. Karl Marx did not understand human nature. He believed man would look out for his fellow man and he was wrong. It has been said that as soon as most men get a little authority they will take unrighteous dominion which explains what is coming from the leaders in communist China. Your Christian Philosophers were correct. The said that the natural man is evil and that only by making a change within and putting off the natural man will they become a changed creature. That change came by following the teachings of your leader Jesus which included following his instructions such as loving your neighbor as yourself.

Jim: A lot of money has been flowing from China into the Biden Family Coffers. First was son Hunter’s sweetheart deal of a high paying board assignment on a Chinese Company, in spite of having no experience, and then millions to Joe’s library at the University of Pennsylvania. Do you think those payments are buying influence with Joe?

Lin: Our leaders are evil not stupid. They get a lot in return for a few million. Joe has made China the leader in electrical car technology. If we ever have a war with the United States we can cut off imports to the US. and greatly diminish their ability to wage war. You are aware of our recent spy balloon over the US. Joe knew about it and ordered our military to keep it secret from the people. It was only because people saw the balloon that the public found out. After it passed through the US gathering the information the Chinese were seeking Joe under pressure from the American People finally had it shot down, but by them we had the information we were seeking.

Jim: Are the Chinese Communists confident they can take control of the United States Government?

Lin: There is no doubt in their minds. Every institution from Religion to Government has been infiltrated by Marxists. Their success have been far beyond what they have expected. Who would have thought the Chinese would actually have police stations in the United States? Who would have expected the Democrat Party to embrace Marxism? Who would have expected colleges in the United States would be teaching Marxism? Who would have thought that colleges in the US would for money allow Confucius Institutes teaching Marxism under the guise of being a culture center? Who would have thought elementary schools would be teaching little children critical race theory? Who would have thought that teachers unions would be controlled by Marxists? Would have thought a organization called Black Lives Matter, set up by alleged Marxists, could get thousands of useful idiots to march with them in our streets? Who would have thought we would have a Justice Department, FBI and Center for Disease Control so corrupt the People in the US no longer have confidence in them? Most of your news media and social media are under control of Marxists who either lie to you or try to prevent us from hearing the truth. And you ask if the Chinese are confident they will control the US? It is not if, it is when. We may be able to accomplish this while Biden is in office.

Jim: Thank you for interviewing with me Lin.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.