An Interview with a Spokesman for the Democrat Party

An Interview with a Spokesman for the Democrat Party

Today‘s Forum is an interview with a spokesman for the Democrat party, John B. Crook.

Forum: Mr. Crook. Elections are coming Tuesday in the United States and many are predicting the Republicans will retake the House and possibly the Senate. What is your opinion on what will happen Tuesday?

Mr. Crook: Those people predicting a Republican Red Wave are wrong. We will hold onto the Senate and probably the House as well. The Republican Party is the Nazi Party of the United States. It is controlled by an “Adolph Hitler” named Donald Trump. The majority of the American People will not fall for the lies of the Republican Party and vote for them.

Forum: One definition of truth is things as they were, things as they are and things as they will be in the future. Democrats are often accused as presenting theories as facts and refusing to tolerate any debate. How would you respond that assessment?

Mr. Crook: Truth is whatever science says it is. If it cannot be proven by science, we reject it. A good example is religion. People waste their time believing in a God who does not exist. How do we know God does not exist? Because it cannot be proven by science. Millions of dollars are being wasted building edifices to worship this non-existent God. That is why we Democrats work so hard to ban mention of God in public schools and ban him from Public Discourse. The money used for these edifices should go to the poor. Our model for dealing with believers is the Communist Party of China.

Forum: You mention science as the arbitrator of truth. Did not the scientific world once teach that the world was flat? And were not scientists a few years back predicting another ice age was coming? And how do we know if global warming is not a natural cycle of the earth and not caused by fossil fuels?

Mr. Crook: I do not agree that the scientific world thought the world was flat. The Popes believed the world was flat and forced scientists to agree or face the penalty of death. As for predictions of an ice age, there may have been some who believed this, but they were they types who would be drawn to the Republican Party. As for global warming being caused by humans that is settled science and not open to  debate.

Forum: Many people are blaming Joe Biden and the Democrats for the runaway inflation we are suffering through. Do you think your party is to blame?

Mr. Crook: Absolutely not. Joe Biden inherited an economy that was about to crash because of the reckless management of Donald Trump. That is not debatable. Joe has taken steps to save us from what would have been the worst depression on our history. His spending bills were designed to prevent that. The people need to be patient to see the efforts succeed and not listen to the lies of Donald Trump.

Forum: Many people are blaming the Democrats for the surge in crime in the big cities of America. What is your response to that?

Mr. Crook: Minorities have been abused for years in this country. Part of that was police brutality against minorities. Another factor was the White Supremacist Donald Trump ignored the needs of the oppressed. Minorities have risen up in righteous indignation against brutality, abuse and neglect. We are now blessed with Joe Biden in the White House who supports defunding the brutal police and who will not neglect the needs of minorities. With Joe Biden in charge we will begin to see lawbreaking diminish.

Forum: What are some of the ideas for making the United States a better Society is the Democrat Party working on?

Mr. Crook: One of the things that is a priority is having a government that takes over the functions of businesses. There is rampant discrimination in employment in private businesses. The government will not discriminate in employment and make everyone equal. We believe most Americans will support this. Our capitalist system has failed to accomplish this and is unjust. We can learn so much from China. We also want to ban any Donald Trump supporter from running for public office. White Supremacists should not be allowed in government.

Forum: A lot of parents are not happy with the public school system and want an alternative. What is the Democrat position on that?

Mr. Crook:  Private schools should be banned.  They are supported By Donald Trump, so we know they are bad. Private schools teach misinformation, and we feel it is a government responsibility to make sure students are taught the truth. Children are too important to the future of the United States for parents to have any influence on what they are taught.

Forum: What other plans do the Democratic have for the United States?

Mr. Crook: We plan to make Critical Race Theory a required part of the school curriculum in grades K-12. Our students have been taught misinformation. We also want to make LGBT studies a part of the curriculum. LGBT students have been misunderstood and discriminated against too long.

Forum: But what about the teaching of math and science? The United States is falling behind the rest of the world.

Mr. Crook: they are important, of course, but the most important issues for our nation right now are climate change and equity. Teaching of climate change and equity should be woven into every course students take until we are fundamentally changed into a society that is as just as the one they have in China. China is our role model.

Forum: Thank you for interviewing with the Forum Mr. Crook.

Mr. Crook: Thank you. And may I add a vote for the Republicans is a vote for Nazism.

This was a fictitious interview with a Democratic spokesman. Although the interview is not real the positions of the Democratic Party match the irrational views of Mr. Crook. This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.