An Interview With a Chinese Insider

The Forum has secretly interviewed a Chinese Man who works for the Chinese Secret Police. He has extensive knowledge of the evil plans of the Chinese Communist Party. We cannot reveal his name because he and his family would disappear. We will refer to him as Mr. Chin.

Forum: Mr. Chin, why are you willing to reveal the secret operations of the Chinese Communist Party?

Mr. Chin: I was brought up in China where I was taught that Communism was the very best system in the world for looking our for the rights of all people. I wanted to work for the party so I could be a part of his wonderful system. I worked hard in school and supported the party and was thrilled to be rewarded by being hired by the Secret Police. I worked hard to bring people to justice who opposed the party. One day I visited a childhood friend who had worked outside of China on a construction project. He confided in me that he had become a Christian. I was shocked that someone so intelligent as he could be mislead. He had a book he called a Bible he wanted me to read. I eagerly took it so I could read it and point out yo him how foolish he was for becoming a Christian. As I began reading I was introduced to the philosophy of a man called Jesus. His teachings penetrated to my heart. Never had I heard of anything so wonderful. He taught about loving others as yourself. He told everyone to forgive their enemies and even to love them. He told of a man beaten by thieves and left to die being rescued by a compassionate man. He taught everyone to help the poor and downtrodden. He taught every one to follow him as he spent all his days serving others. He taught that every man sins but could repent. He taught of a glorious afterlife if we would follow his example. He told his followers that everyone was precious in the sight of God. He even gave his own life to atone for our sins. He never sought riches but only wanted to serve his God and his fellow man. Suddenly I saw a huge contrast between Communism and Christianity. Christianity recognizes everyone as a precious child of God who has great worth. Christianity values people for their wiliness to serve others, not for monetary rewards but because of their love for them. On the other hand Communism only values people for what they can do to keep the Communist Party in Control. I then realized that the people in a Communist Country are only being used by the people in power to gain wealth and control for themselves.

Forum: Mr. Chin. Now that this transformation has come in you life what can you do to give dignity to the people of China?

Mr. Chin: I am looking for God to direct me in how I can serve him and my fellow man. If I reveal that I am a Christian I will be removed from my position and my life will be in danger. What I can do until God speaks to my heart is to do my best in the position I hold to to treat everyone in the way Jesus taught. Being an example of what Jesus expects me to be may influence others I work with to do like wise.

Forum: Mr. Chin, you mentioned the evils of Communism. What are some of your concerns right now?

Mr. Chin: There are rumors that our Communist Leadership has feared a counter attack from the United States if we ever invade Taiwan. After the balloon incident and Biden’s incompetence in dealing with it, the discussion within the party is whether we should attack the United States while Biden is President. There is a large contingent in the military who feel that a surprise attack on the U.S. could knock out our only real obstacle to world dominance and control. We also have sympathizers in the United States Government and in the U. S. military who would warn us if there is any preparation for a suspected attack from China. I fear that millions of people in the United States would die, and depending on whether the U.S could respond and even though we have sympathizers in the U.S. to help prevent a retaliation, millions in China. Our military leaders realize there is some risk in making a surprise attack on the U.S. but they feel the likelihood of success far surpasses the risk.

Forum: Mr. Chin. How likely do you think it is that China will do a surprise attack?

Mr. Chin: I would think it is about 3 to 1 that an attack will come. Some in our military realize that if the United States is crippled China would be the lone super power and no nation could stand up to them. The military lusts for that kind of power. They are also confident their are enough Marxist Sympathizers in the United States Government and Military to prevent a counter attack. Just like the Marxist Sympathizers convinced Biden not to shoot down the balloon lest some citizens would be harmed they will likely convince Biden to surrender to China to save “millions of lives”.

Forum: Mr. Chin. Do you think Joe Biden would surrender if China attacked the United States.

Mr. Chin: Yes. And so do many of our military leaders.

Forum: We have no way to verify whether the information from Mr. Chin is accurate since we could not interview others in China because it is a closed society. His statements seem to be plausible so we are printing the interview.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.