Amtrak, Governor Northam’s Money Pit

Governor Northam of Virginia who has a history of doing stupid things without thinking them through, and costing taxpayers a lot of money is at it again. One previous misstep was his decision to remove a priceless piece of art, Robert E. Lee mounted on horseback in Richmond, Virginia which the Radical Marxist who are trying to destroy our cities, wanted removed and that was enough for “Taliban” Northam. This statue belongs to the People of Virginia and without determining what the majority of the people wanted he decided to have it removed to appease his marxist supporters. Now a lawsuit has been filed by a group of citizens to block removal which is costing taxpayers a lot of money. This is occurring because Governor Northam refuses to backdown from appeasing his suppporters. The governor will not likely ever give an accounting of the cost of defending the lawsuit to the people of Virginia.

All of this could have been avoided if if the Governor had made an effort to find out if a majority of Virginians supported removal and it could have done in an orderly manner if the majority so desired. Governor Northam did not even have a plan on what to do with the statue after removal. How incompetent was that?

Now we are reading reports that Governor Northam wants to spend millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money expanding Amtrak to areas of Southwest Virginia. Passenger rail service is a relic of the past. It made sence in the United States when it took days to go long distances before the miracle of air travel. Rail service makes sence in our large metropolitan areas to move commuters from one location to another.

Amtrak is an unecessary money pit. It has never made a profit in it’s existence and has to be subsized by the taxpayers to the tune of millions a year. It should be shut down, We know there are lots of people who advocate for Amtrak such as emplyees, suppliers for Amtrak, contractors who stand to make money for construction projects. the left leaning Richmond Times Dispatch and politicians who get a lot of policical contributions from these groups but that does not justify the existence of Amtrak. We could create employment by paying people to dig holes and cover them up again but who would advocate for that.

If Governor Northam is unchecked your tax dollars will be going down the Amtrak money Pit and then he would need a tax increase for his other projects. The Governor has a website where your can send him your comments. If you love money pits you can cheer him on but if not you can express your disapproval of throwing money into the Amtrak Money Pit.

This is an opinion blog and we welcome your comments to Governor Northam or to us.