American Oil Independence-And Then Joe Biden Happened

For years the United States was dependent on other nations for oil and gas. Most of these nations manipulated production to keep oil prices artificially high, affecting higher prices for nearly everything in our country. We might add most of those countries had contempt for the people of the United States. The high oil prices had a detrimental effect on our trade balance as well.

Finally we got a President named Trump who started getting rid of restrictions imposed by Democratic Administrations that prevented the United States from becoming gas and oil independent. These actions began to pay dividends and the United States insteading of importing oil and gas began to be an exporter. Marxists of if you prefer the modern term Progressives were alarmed. The goal of Marxists is to destroy the freedom’s we enjoy and take complete control over other people’s lives. With a country that is econonically strong that makes their job harder. With a Joe Biden, whose strings they pull, they set him into immediate action. One of good old Joe’s first order of business was to cancel the pipeline bringing oil to refinineries that would have keep the U.S. oil independent.

Next you can expect Joe to attempt to dismantle the oil and gas industry to jump on the Marxist’s bad new green deal scheme which will cost us taxpayers billions. The bad new green deal is an attempt by Marxists to control energy in the United States. In Marxist or Socialist Countries the government owns most of the means of production which is probably next on the agenda for the evil ones. Every thing Marxists do is not to benefit the people but to give them complete control of everybody and everything in our society. Then they can steal whatever they need to have a lavish life style while the people live in poverty.

Bernie Sanders, who seems to be the face of Socialism/Marxism is a text book example of what Marxists will be like if they gain complete political power. Bernie’s heart bleeds for the poor and the down trodden. So if he is concerned about the poor he is sharing his wealth with them isn’t he? Good luck on that. Bernie has a vacation home and recently got a huge advance on a book in an amount the poor do not earn in a lifetime. No on has asked Bernie why he does not sell his vacation home and give the money to the poor along with the book advance money. Maybe Bernie works so hard on behalf of the poor he feels he deserves a lavish llife style as a reward.

Having a President who is easily manipulated by left leaning radicals ia a frigtening peril.

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