Aftermath of the United States Election

Many surveys were made of voter attitudes during the recent political campaign. Most indicated that the majority of our citizens were not thrilled with the direction Joe Biden and the Democrats were taking the United States. Surveys indicate that about 39 percent of the citizens think Joe Biden is doing a good job. With all the abuse we are suffering under Joe’s lack of leadership you wonder how so many people can be brain dead in the United States.

Republicans tried very hard to talk about the issues that are important to the citizens while the Democrats pushed the woke agenda, the green agenda and the Godless Act of abortion even up to the moment of birth. Expectations were that there would be a Red Wave because of dissatisfaction with the direction the democrats were taking us. It would seem that concentrating on the issues important to the American People would be a wise and winning strategy.

However, the Red Wave did not happen. The Democrats still voted for Democrat Politicians who supported the treasonous Joe Biden Regime.  The Democratic Leaders have embraced Marxism, but why would Democrat Voters support them in their evil pursuits?

Most educators in higher education are Leftist Democrats which means they teach and support Marxist Philosophy. Most public school teachers are members of labor unions who have leaders who are leftists and are in a position where they can influence teachers. Along with Democratic Control of our education system and the dumbing down of the curriculum, students learn Critical Race Theory and woke agendas instead of being prepared for a competitive world. Are these Democrats who voted for failure a product of our American Educational System?  Have they been fed Marxist propaganda throughout their educational experience and have lost the ability to think for themselves? Do they even realize if they do not like the direction our leaders are taking us they can vote them out of office?

Are they following the California Model? California have the highest taxes and living costs in the country. Their K-12 education is considered the worst in the country. Governor Gavin Nuisance is giving away millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to buy votes. California is a mecca for “homeless people” who show up for free drugs and other goodies. No demands are made of these people so they remain leeches on society.

And what political party runs the state? Why it is the Democrats of course. Most are corrupt and sell their influence to the highest bidder. With all this mismanagement and corruption why do not the people of California vote them out of office? They are apparently suffering from inability to help themselves syndrome. Republicans need to do a study of why people who are abused and disrespected  keep voting for the abusers. Republicans need to understand why people cannot help themselves. Are they hopeless or is there a message they will respond to? Or do we need to reform our failing educational system?

It does appear the Republicans will retake the House. We hope they will elect a speaker who is committed to do the things that are best for the American People and will put pressure on their fellow Republicans to do the same and not sell their influence to the highest bidder.

The Republicans should prepare an agenda of to do things that are best for our citizens and get all house Republicans to sign a pledge they will support this agenda. The corrupt press has been hiding the corruption of Joe Biden and his crime family, using the government to enrich themselves, and the Republicans should have Congressional Hearings on this issue. There is a lot of illegal things, such as ignoring immigration law under the Biden Administration and Congressional hearings need to be held on these things. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have broken our immigration laws and need to be impeached. I hope the Republicans will have the courage to do this and not be influenced by attacks from our Marxist News Media. The Republicans have a mandate from the American People to put a stop to the Marxist Agenda promoted by the Democrats. We hope they will use their power in the House to stop these traitors.

This is a blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.