A Secret White House Meeting

Mr. president. We your advisors have set up this meeting because we are alarmed that the extreme right might take control of the House and Senate this November and stop the great progressive gains  that our party has made since you have been in office. The polls seem to indicate that the majority of the people will vote Republican in November. We are horrified to think that Donald Trump might run and be elected in the next Presidential election. Any thing we can do to keep control of the government makes it right. We need to be sure the Republicans do not win the house and Senate this coming November by any means necessary. We worked tirelessly last presidential election and managed to come up with enough ballots to win and must do better next election.

Must I tell you how extremely important it is to keep confidential anything that is said in this meeting? If the Republicans get wind of our plans they could stop us cold or even have us charged with treason. First order of business is our Chinese Partners are working on a new virus to replace Covid. They plan to infect Chinese who are traveling to the United States this summer. It is expected this virus will spread rapidly causing the Center for Disease Control to recommend quarantining everyone. No suspicions will arise because of CDC’s prior behavior. Then Mr. President you can issue an executive order allowing only mail in ballots. The people are used to your executive orders and will readily accept it. Then we can get millions of ballots mailed in that will give you a landslide victory.

We expect the Republicans to file a suit so we have a plan for that. We will set up a right wing organization claiming to fight vote fraud , but it will actually be our people role playing. They will file suit in a court where the judges are our people and will uphold your executive order. Our people will immediately appeal as a further delaying tactic. By the time this case gets to the supreme court we will have enough numbers in the House and Senate to pack the court with our people to get your executive order upheld.

With overwhelming numbers in the Senate and House we will be able to revise The Constitution so it is in agreement with Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. We will also be able to quash right wing extremists and outlaw the Republican Party. We know these ignorant people might rebel but we feel confident we have enough of our people in key leadership positions in the military to support our Commander in Chief and destroy these right wing extremists.

We have a plan B just in case the new virus does spread as rapidly as we hope and we cannot implement our mail in ballot scheme before the next elections. Our people in the FBI are willing to claim they have uncovered a massive conspiracy among the far right to take control of the government just like they tried do on Jan, 6, 2020. They are even now planning to implement action if the virus does not produce this desired result. They will immediately arrest and jail thousands of Republican Lawmakers and you, Mr. President, can issue an executive appointing our people to complete their unfinished term in office. With our people in both the senate and house we can get any bill passed necessary to suppress the right wing deplorables. Chuck Schumer said if we have the political power we can fundamentality change the government of the United States and that is our plan. Marxism will soon be our reality.

We do have some concerns about an insurrection from the extreme right. The plan is to arrest Donald Trump and put him in solitary confinement so he cannot communicate with his extreme right followers. We will also need an emergency executive order to close all misinformation news agencies such as OAN, Fox News and Newsmax. Our people in what we call the main stream news media will only get to the people the information we want them to hear.

We are very concerned that millions of right wing extremists have guns and our military will be outgunned. We have plans to “cover all the bases” Our Generals in the military have developed friendships with Chinese Generals. One of our Generals even promised the General of the Chinese Army he would warn him if the U.S. started making plans to attack China. Some of our Generals are deeply devoted to Marxism. They have also developed close friendships with Chinese Generals and can get their cooperation if we need Chinese Troops to help us put down an insurrection. We may need as many as one million Chinese Troops to put down an insurrection and they may have to be here a long time in order for us to arrest and try all the insurrectionists.

Disclaimer: A source has informed the Forum that this meeting took place on May 5, 2022. We have not yet been able to corroborate the source’s information, but we will diligently pursue all leads. This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.