A Planet Like Earth

Many years ago the supreme God created a new planet from matter in space. He called the new planet Zeb. After putting vegetation on it and adequate water to sustain life he put humans on it. He realized in order for Humans to be safe and Happy they needed rules to live by. He called these rules commandments and promised humans they would not only be safe and happy if they lived his commandments, but if they did so they would, after death, be resurrected and live on a more beautiful and pleasing planet. Humans started as one family but soon grew to many. As they human population grew many arose hostile to the Supreme God and His Commandments.

Among the commandments the Supreme God gave were: do not kill other humans, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie and do not covet. If all humans kept just these commandments it would have been a safe planet for everyone. However, because of greed and lust for power many humans oppressed their fellow man. Many were organized into evil nations. These evil nations would prosper for a time and then the Great God would send another evil nation or a righteous nation to destroy them. This pattern continued on Planet Zeb.

The Great God even provided a nation for the abused who wanted to escape abuse. It was called the nation of Joy. It had a charter promising humans who lived there freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to make their own decisions, freedom to vote for those in government and laws to prevent abuse of the citizens. The people of the Nation of Joy loved the land of joy and prospered for many years. Eventually those who opposed the commandments of the Great God were nearly as numerous as those who loved God.

Those who opposed the Great God were people who lusted for money and power over others. They gravitated toward a political party known as the Demon Party. The Demon Party said it was ok to lie and cheat to get into power. They had enough political power to bring false charges against their opponents and jailed some of them. The Demon Party became a crime organization with their leader taking millions in bribes from evil nations. The criminal organization had enough power to prevent their leader from being held accountable. They infiltrated every institution in the Nation of Joy and worked to enslave everyone who was not a member of their criminal organization.

The Demon Party was eventually able to control what was taught in public schools and universities. Students became like robots accepting the false teachings They were willing to riot and do whatever their enslavers directed them to do. The Demon Party attracted most of the faculty of universities and they were very effective in manipulating students. The Demon Party also infiltrated the news media who promoted their evil designs.

The Demon Party was able to find enough useful idiots to vote them into office. If they did not have enough votes they could “find” enough votes to win that suddenly came in after most of the votes were counted. The Demon Party controlled the Nation of Joy for a time nearly bankrupting the Nation and creating debts within having any means to pay. The debts came from programs to enrich the members of the Demon Party. They also worked with their partners in crime in the news media, social media and their members in the courts and law enforcement to suppress free expression. Many of their political opponents were jailed or had non legitimate criminal charges brought against them. Prices skyrocketed under the Demon Party and many citizens struggled to buy basic necessities. Every policy promoted by the Demon Party seemed to be detrimental to the citizens.

There was an opposition party called the Freedom Party. They promoted free Speech, freedom of religion. protection from government abuse and freedom of citizens to make their own choices. They Demon Party felt threatened. They were concerned the Freedom Party would prevent them from enriching themselves with taxes and having complete power over the citizens. The Demon Party’s allies in law enforcement, the courts, news media and social media were called to action to start a smear propaganda campaign against the Freedom Party. An attempt was made to kill the Freedom Party Leader. A motive was never found for the attempt but many suspected the Demon Party was involved.

The story ends here. You can finish it in your mind. Have the majority of the People in the Nation of Joy become so evil that the Great God will allow another evil or righteous nation, if one can be found, to destroy it? Will the citizens of the Nation of Joy recognize that the Demon Party is trying to enslave them and vote them out of office before they take complete control?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.