A Newly Discovered Kind of Discrimination

Recently we were shocked to discover a new type of discrimination. There is a great deal of contemt, hatred towards and abuse of dogs in the United States.
We were introduced to this type of discrimination when we came accross an article written by Dr. Spy On Yu of the Marxist Canine Research Institute of The Peking Peoples’s University in the Peoples Republic of China. Dr. Yu has spent years studying discrimination against Canines in Capitalist Societies. He has written a book entitled “Why Canines are Abused in Capatialist Societies”. We contacted Dr. Yu by phone and asked if Canines are abused in China. According to Dr. Yu this would be a rare occurance in a Marxist Society. If it ever happens the offender would be asked to attend a re-education class. There he would be taught correct principles on showing proper respect for Canines by kind and loving teaches who grew up in a just Marxist Society. Dr. Yu said “everyone in a Capitalist Society is taught to look out for their own selfish interests With this type of incorrect thought it leaves little room for kindness to humans or Canines. Dr. Yu said “in a Marxist Society leaders are chosen who have demonstrated a great love for their fellow man and always make decisions that are best for the people. People resent the corruption of Capitalist Leaders “.

We asked Dr. Yu about the discontent in Hong Kong. Dr Yu pointed out the people in Hong Kong had grown up in a Capitalist Society and learned the false tenants of Capitalism and had not yet given up their Capitalist Greed. He feels certain that, with the patience and kindness of our great leaders, people in hong Kong will in time accept correct principles.

In delving deep into discrimination of Canines we reached out to Dr. Scottie Woof of the Canine Research Analysis Program of Greater Tidewater University in Norfolk, Va. where a number of studies have been made on discrimination against Canines usually known as the Crap Studies. We will use this acronyn is this blog. We asked Dr. Woof what Crap Studies have learned about discrimination against Canines. Dr Woof said “our studies have shown that canines have been discriminated against for a long time and it begins with humans saying that they own a dog. A Canine is not a slave but a companion to humans.. Ownership conjures up images of slavery in this country..” He thinks Federal Laws should be made classifying statements claiming dog ownership a hate crime. We asked Dr. Woof what difference it makes since canines do not understand human speech. Dr Woof told us it is the mindset that was the problem. If you think of owning something you think you can do whatever you want with property.. Buying a dog liscence should be banned in the united States and replaced with a liscense to have a canine companion. A class should be attended by people desiring to have a canine companion taught be a government certified Canine Psychologist similiar to the wonderful re-education classses taught by kind and patient teachers in China to make sure applicants are thinking correctly. Dr. Woof also feels that certain speech hurtful to canines shoud be banned such as dog tired, dog days of summer,that thing is a dog, vicious dog and meaner than a junk yard dog. All these sayings disrespect canines.

Dr Woof claims one form of dog abuse that is very insdious is what he calls muttism. Everyone understands that racism is discrimanation toward non whites and sexism is discrimination against non males. As far as we can determine their is no corollary for discrimination toward white males or non females or un females as the woke people may be calling men today. Dr. Woof defines muttism as discrimination against canines because of birth. In our economically incorrect Capitalist society some canines are second class citizens. The Crap Studies have shown that although dogs do not understand human speech they sense they are being disrespected when they are referred to as Mutts. This is very hurtful to Canines. Dr Woof feels we need a federal cabinet level office to deal with Canine Discrimination. This muttism is the result of White Privilege where People of Non Color have for years disdained dogs who do not have a recorded pedigree.

If you agree that dog discrimination is a problem in the United
States please write your congressperson demanding a cabinet level position to deal with this injustice.

This blog is an opinion blog written to support dog lovers everywhere.