A New Planet Called Moz

Once upon a time long ago a great intelligent man called Tad took from materials in the universe and formed a new planet called Moz. He then added things necessary to enable this new planet to sustain life such as water and oxygen. He added plants and animals, fishes, birds and insects. All these things occurred over a long period of time which he referred to as days. He was finally satisfied with what he had created and put two of his children a male and female on Moz and told them to multiply. He reminded them that he was their father and he expected them to be obedient to the rules he made for them and teach their descendants to do the same. He promised if they followed his rules they would be happy. He promised they would someday suffer a physical death but would eventually be resurrected and if they stayed faithful to his rules would return to him in eternal glory.

For a time his children and their descendants followed his rules but eventually they stopped obeying him and followed others. Tad found one family left faithful to him and saved them while the rest he drowned in the great waters. Then he started rebuilding his society with a new family. For a time his new family and their descendants did his will but eventually most of them became rebellious to Tad. Tad decided to allow everyone their free agency to obey him and those who refused would still be resurrected but they would not receive the same glory his obedient followers would. At some point in the future he would save all those who followed him and cleanse the planet by destroying the people who disobeyed him.

Tad expected everyone to do good to others. Many nations arose with evil leaders who were depraved and had no regard for the lives or rights of people in their kingdom. Eventually Tad picked good men to form a new nation where the life and rights of the citizens were respected. This new nation became a beacon and light to all nations on the new planet. Millions immigrated to this new nation to find hope, peace, security, freedom to obey Tad and prosperity. This new nation became the envy of the world by doing the will of Tad.

Eventually the majority in this wonderful nation turned away from Tad and even denied his existence. They became involved in all sorts of depravities even killing their unborn. Since Tad was rejected as a real person the courts ruled that a woman alone has a right to kill her unborn child. They stopped being faithful to their spouse and began rejecting marriage that Tad told them would bring happiness. Evil people took over the new nation’s educational system and began teaching doctrine contrary to the will of Tad. Children were taught they could change their sex with an operation and it was a good thing. They were also taught that marriage between members of the same sex was not only desirable but normal. They were also taught that families were not only not desirable but a hinderance.

Finally, the family for most people disintegrated. The place where children were taught to respect others, be kind, help others, and take responsibility for themselves no longer existed. Many became addicted to drugs and alcohol and depended on others to support them. Suddenly the nation was in chaos. Politicians appeared whose only interest were grafting money or controlling the lives of others. They used their political office to spy on citizens and arrest and oppress them through the operation of law. People completely lost confidence in public officials. Evil people began assassinating evil politicians. The idle, who the politicians supported with the dole in exchange for their vote, had their funds cut because of a lack of money and began rioting and robbing without consequence. The politicians who controlled the police only used them to protect their corruption.

The citizens had to arm themselves to protect themselves from government officials and other lawless people. It became every man against his neighbor. The enemies of the new nation noticed and decided to attack. Tad decided to let them. He removed his followers from the new planet. The enemies attacked. The new nation retaliated. Billions died immediately. Those who survived died a painful death from their injuries or died of famine. And thus ended the planet of Moz.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.