A Holiday Called Christmas

I suspect for most people Christmas is a celebration of material things but it was originally supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Historians do not know when Jesus was born. Some have suggested that since the Shepherds were in the fields, according to the Bible, it would not have been in December since it was in winter and assume it would have been no earlier than spring when grass would have been abundant. Others have taken the position that winter was not that severe in the area of Bethlehem and there could have been shepherds in the fields. Whatever argument you chose to accept, one thing is sure. Historians do not know when Jesus was born.

Those who are Christians accept Jesus as the son of God. Others merely consider him a great teacher who had an impact on a lot of people. There is little doubt that Jesus did exist as a Historical Figure. One contemporary writer of Jesus even described his physical appearance. Skeptics scoff at the idea of miracles or a resurrection because they have not seen it happen. I would not like to be a skeptic and defend that argument. Remember the man who had been blind since birth, who Jesus healed? Skeptics refused to believe it happened and even verbally attacked the man, who was healed, when he told them Jesus had healed him. The skeptics who saw miracles happen would still not accept them.

Who was this man Jesus? I testify he was the Son of God. From the time of Adam the Lord’s people were commanded to make animal sacrifices as a similitude of the sacrifice the Savior would make of his own life to take upon himself our sins. God said that no unclean person can enter his presence. None of us will become perfect, God in his mercy provided a way for Jesus to suffer for our sins and enable us to go into his presence. This does not mean we have no responsibility to Jesus. We must come to him with a contrite spirit. This means we will repent when we have done wrong and strive to follow Jesus. If we repent when we fail, and strive to keep the commandments, it is the sacrifice of Jesus for out sins that will enable us to enter God’s presence.

Jesus’ coming and manner of death and rejection were for told but the majority of the Jews and the priests had turned from God and either did not recognize him or did and considered him a threat to their power and desire to do evil. So they demanded their own God be crucified. This was a costly decision for the Jews. When God rescued the Jews from Egypt many were not obedient. God had them wander in the desert for forty years until the older disobedient died. The only two faithful from the older generation allowed to go to the promised were faithful Joshua and Caleb. Now God had faithful followers he could bless with prosperity and allow them to see miracles. And prosperity and miracles they did see. They were obedient and God was with them so their enemies could not conquer them.

Fast forward to the time of Christ. Most had once again become a disobedient people. They rejected his teachings and plotted to kill hm. he taught among them and did miracles. He taught us what we need to do to go into the presence of God. Any who served God would have easily recognized him as the promised messiah. Finally they crucified him. Jesus’ mission was completed. By suffering in Gethsemane and being crucified he took upon himself our sins enabling us to go into the presence of God if we keep the commandments. And because he was resurrected we all will be resurrected. Then we will receive the glory we earned through our obedience in this life.

As I mentioned above, rejection of Jesus was a costly decision for the Jews. Their disobedience to God caused him to stop protecting them from their enemies. Not long after the crucifixion the Jews were conquered and the citizens were scattered throughout the world and ceased to be a nation. The Jews were not allowed to have their own nation for nearly 2,000 years when God began restoring them to their homeland before Jesus returns to the earth again.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.