A Comparison of Two Large Religions – Christianity and Communism

Comparison of Two Large World Religions-Christianity and Communism

This blog will contrast and compare two of the world’s largest religious movements Christianity and Communism.  You might protest that any movement such as Communism that is Atheist cannot be a religion since the usual definition of religion includes worship of a personal God or Gods. Another definition of religion is ”a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance “, as quoted from Google. When I was a child, and we would pass vehicles towing boats on our way to church, we would joke that those people were on the way to the river for worship services. Surely they considered going the “Rivah” on Sunday more important than worshipping God in church. Those who control their subjects in communist countries consider it of supreme importance.

In Christianity there is a belief in a God who created man, the world and all things therein. Because of all his creations we, as Christians , own him our love devotion and obedience.

For Communism there is a denial of the existence of God. They replace worship of God with a counterfeit religion of devotion to the party. They also have leaders who are counterfeit Gods and are  promoted as our “Great Leaders” who the people are expected to adore.

For Christians God offers us the opportunity to live with him in a state o happiness, or salvation in a life after death, if we believe in him and follow his commandments.

Communists do not believe in any life after the present Their counterfeit worship it to devote themselves entirely to the communist Party.

Christians have a confession of faith which usually consists of freedom to profess faith in Jesus, God, repentance and baptism. Some only feel confessing of faith is necessary without the need to repent of their sins or be baptized. Based on my understanding of the Biblical Teachings of repentance and baptism I question whether this is counterfeit Christianity.

Communists take a different route. Their “confession of faith’ is allegiance to the party.

God gives people free agency to decide if they will believe in Him, Christ and also keep his commandments. When Christ taught on earth he taught us to love our enemies and never once did he force anyone to accept his teachings. There have been times in world history when people in some countries were forced to become, members of certain sects and even put to death if they did not comply. Whether this was imposed by Popes or Political Leaders for personal gain it was not sanctioned by God.

People in Communist countries do not have free agency. If they oppose communism they will be either tortured, killed, imprisoned, put in slave labor camps or re-education camps where they conform or end up in the other aforementioned situations.

The Bible is the Christians Guidebook for how they should conduct themselves. It is designed to bring happiness to those who follow it’s precepts and make them worthy of a life with God after this life.

The Communist Manifesto is Communism’s counterfeit Bible. Only it is not designed to bring happiness after death. It is designed to take away nearly all basic rights and makes everyone a slave to the party or to the leaders who live much better than the slaves.

The laws of Christian Nations are for the protection of the rights of all people. I recognize that there are evil people in governments in Christians Nations who use laws to persecute their enemies, even in the United States , but God does not fellowship those evil ones.

Laws in Communist Nations are set up to control the citizens and force them to comply with Communist Ideology and suppress freedoms.

Governments in Christian Nations are supposed to serve the people. When corrupt people get into office it is the responsibility of Christians to be informed and vote to remove these criminals or demand they be charged with a crime and removed from office. There are a lot of people in office who ae enriching themselves and need to be removed from office.

Of course in The Communist Religion people exist to serve the government. What that means is people exist to be slaves to the leaders. Once the leaders get into government they cannot be voted out by the citizens. Corrupt leaders divide up the treasury among themselves and the leaders, all being corrupt, protect each other from removal from office.

Christian Nations have been strong societies in the past because of the emphasis placed on families. So many studies have been done that show how much better people thrive in good strong families that only a fool would discount the value of the family.  That is one reason leftists have infiltrated our educational system from the Communist Religion to push “women’s rights” and LQBTQCLP+{Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Child Love Practitioners +]  to attempt to destroy the family and weaken the nation. The + is for any other sexual preference not coved by the first six in the list.

Communists have no regard for the family. As far as they are concerned people do not need to exist in families. They only exist to serve the state or their masters, “The Great Leaders”.

This is an opinion blog for Christians and people of Faith.