A Case for Dumping the Democrats

A two-party system has served the United States well for a long time but it is now time to dispatch the Democratic Party to the dumpster. In countries that have many political parties vying for power it is chaotic to reach a consensus with so many factions fighting for control. However, with two parties, in theory, they will have to compromise to pass laws that will benefit most of the citizens. When politicians are elected they will often become more motivated by power and opportunities to enrich themselves through deals with other corrupt people and are not likely to act in accordance with desires of the people. In a two-party system the party out of office would have the numbers with support from independents to depose the corrupt politician through the election process. A two-party system has the ability to remove corrupt politicians either Democrat or Republican from office. While a two-party system is good, one of them does not have to be the Democrat Party. It is likely that the Democrats have been so infiltrated by Marxists they cannot be redeemed so it would be ideal for the good people in the Democrat Party to separate themselves into another party and let the Democrat party die.

Why do we need to dump the Democratic Party? The Democratic party in an attempt to be the idealistic “party of the people” in their “Big Tent” philosophy has reached out to every radical group they can find to be a part of their ”Big Tent”. And to keep these fringe groups in their tent they make commitments and compromises to appease many small minorities while ignoring the desires of the majority of the citizens. That is one reason why Comrade Biden’s approval rating is so low. What is so frightening is the Democrats have embraced Marxism in their tent. Marxists are intent on destroying the United States and taking away our God Given Freedoms. Democrats have embraced them because they think Marxism is the wave of the future and they can make deals with Marxists to keep themselves in power. What do they care about the well being of the people of the U.S. if they can have the things most Democrat Politicians desire which is power and control and the opportunity to enrich themselves? Democrats embraced Bernie Sanders, who claims to be a Socialist not a Marxist, and invited him to caucus with them in the Senate and embraced him as a candidate in the Democratic Primaries for President.  The very wealthy Bernie can be described as a Capitalist Practitioner who wears Marxist Clothes. Since he has plenty of room in his mansion and resort property we trust he provides free lodging in his homes for the homeless since his heart bleeds compassion.

In addition to Comrade Bernie the Democrats embraced four other people who many consider Marxists, known disparagingly as the squad, and helped them to get elected to the House. The goal of Marxists Politicians is to replace our government with a Marxist one and they have the full support of the Democratic Party. Their Green Raw Deal which Comrade Biden supports has resulted in huge increases in the prices of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas or oil for heating. Since so much of our consumer goods move by truck nearly everything we buy has skyrocketed in price.

Biden and his Communist Advisors are working hard to destroy the U.S. The Biden Regime is breaking the law by welcoming in millions of illegal immigrants into the U.S. And do you need to be reminded that even if Comrade Joe welcomes them they are still illegals? It is frightening to have a president who breaks the law and no one can hold him accountable. The Republicans are totally inept when it comes to Biden breaking the law. Biden’s Executive Orders are also unconstitutional and some Judges have so ruled. Biden’s response is to continue to break the law. What can be done to free us from this mad communist? Surely there are enough brilliant legal minds n the U.S. to come up with a plan to hold this criminal Biden accountable for his acts.

The Democrats and the Communists have learned recently they can impose their will on the people with little fear of being held accountable. Breaking the law brings little outrage. Locking down people and insisting they get vaccines that do not prevent infections brought a sheep mentality to the citizens. Government Officials repeatedly lie to the citizens and are not held accountable. Breaking the law by government officials brings little outrage.

What is the Republican response to all this? They say wait until the next election. These are the same people who were outflanked by the Democrats in the last election. The Democrats came up with mail in ballots that could not be verified for an audit, ballots being delivered in the middle of the night , organizing “mules” to bring in “harvested ballots, ’voting machines that were off limits to audits, the political power to prevent audits, illegal vote counting in the middle of the night after election watchers were sent home and being able to prevent verifying address of voters by claiming voters would be intimidated even though the voting was over and working with the the news media to attack people who questioned the results of the vote by calling them conspiracy theorists.

For all of these crimes there was very little real auditing done and very few people were held accountable. A recent Rasmussen/Heartland Survey shows that the majority of likely voters have an unfavorable opinion of Comrade Biden and his policies. With all this unfavorable reaction from the citizens what has been the Democrats response? They continue policies that are against the will of the people such as setting up a Government Disinformation Board which is a free speech control board. If this censure board is allowed to continue it will just be a matter of time before any opinions opposed to the official lies of government agents will be criminalized. Did Comrade Biden consult with the Chinese Communists on this? They have such a board with a different name.

The Democrats are so confident they can provide enough votes to win by a landslide in spite of Comrade Joes’ unpopularity they continue in their current course. It can be done. After all the Chinese Communists win by a landslide every election. If it can be done in China, why not here the Democrats ask. What the Democrats were able to accomplish in the last election was just a warmup. Evil minds came up with questionable things that were unprecedented in our history. What will they come up with in the next election? They outsmarted the Republicans in the last election and are even now conspiring to do so again.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.