A Biden , Harris Impeachment is Imperative

The House Oversight Committee claims that $10,000,000 in payments from China went to the Biden Family, which we refer to as the Biden Crime Family, with no discernable exchange of goods or services. It is also alleged that the Department of Justice knew there were payments going from China to the Biden Family but would not do an investigation. Is anybody surprised that Justice Department, with many employees hired during the eight years of the Obama Regime were Marxist. After all Obama’s favorite teacher in college was a Marxist. Why would not he nominate a Marxist leaning leader who hired people just like himself. Is not this the same government organization that alleged that parents irate with a leftist school board were domestic terrorists? Two declared Republican candidates for president, Trump and Ramaswamy are calling for abolishing the Justice Department. Why not separate the good guys from the bad guys in the Justice Department and charge the bad guys as domestic terrorists? Then rebuild the Department of Justice into an organization that protects citizens from abuse.

Biden killed pipeline projects, would not grant oil leases or approve drilling and limited the ability of oil energy companies to get financing. He took us from an energy independent country to an energy dependent country causing inflated prices at the gas pump. This caused great pain for millions of citizens not only at the gas pump but for inflated prices for goods transported. A great beneficiary of his green energy scheme was China, who make most of the electrical cars and batteries in the world. Is this what China received for its $10,000,000 “gift” to the Biden Crime Family? Sounds like the Chinese made a great investment in Joe.

Then there was Joe’s reckless spending with printed money that caused runaway inflation. He was supported by all the Corrupt Democrat officeholders who are trying to turn the country into a Marxist Society with themselves in total control. And did you notice that he called this inflation inducing spending act the Inflation Control Act? How about the parallel between the Biden Regime’s coining of words to glorify something as beneficial when it is detrimental and what the Chinese Communist Regimes does? The Republicans also have a few office holders that feed at same Democrat Hog Trough and support them. When I was a kid farmers built Hog Pens on land less desirable for farming like swamp land. Does that conjure up images of the current use of the term “The Swamp”?

Good ole Joe is now trying to raise the debt ceiling so he can spend more money on buying votes from the welfare recipients and government contractors who vote for him. Corrupt Democrats are now claiming the 14th amendment gives Biden authority to raise the debt limit. It is another lie by the Corrupt Democrats. But Biden has proven his is not bound by law. I am in favor of the House, which is now controlled by sane people, refusing to raise the debt limit forcing the government to live within the budget.

The Durham report is now public. Another black eye for Joe. Durham reported shoddy work and bias in the investigation of Donald Trump in their fake Russian Collusion investigation. The outrage is even though Donald Trump”s Civil Rights were violated and the FBI violated their own rules and likely broke other laws Durham recommend no charges be filed. If government officials break rules and laws and no punishment happens they will do the same or worse later. The charges against Trump have now been debunked. But as the Democrats like to say, “no man is above the law” and then whisper, “unless he is trying to destroy Trump” There is some indication that Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden were involved in this now proven hoax. If so they all should be criminally charged.

The Biden Regime is in the process of stealing billions of dollars from American Taxpayers to support the millions of illegal immigrants he invited to cross our borders. A lot of them are criminals. Most of them are poverty stricken uneducated people who will likely always need welfare. The strain on public resources are so great even liberal Democrat Politicians are complaining. Biden is breaking the law and should be impeached.

Joe Biden seems to be a hopeless puppet of the Communists who have become the leaders of the Democrat Party. Joe is so mentally impaired if he were ever arrested a court would likely deem him to be too impaired to stand trial. Our beloved nation is going down hill so fast we may be in total collapse if Biden is allowed to remain president. Kamala Harris is more of the same. She should be removed from office as well. This should be the Republicans number one priority. If something is not dome immediately Biden may get 400,00,000 votes in the next election. I know the population of the country is estimated at only 336,554,983, but as the Democrats and the American Communist News Media will explain to the public, who they consider to be stupid, the estimated figures have to be wrong since Joe got 400,000,000 million votes.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.