Constitutional Amendment needed to Remove Politicians From Office
When the founding fathers worked to develop a Republican Form of government their main concern was the rights of the people. They were God fearing men who understood “the worth of a soul is great in the eyes of God”. They also understood there were men bent on being tyrants so they added a clause to the Constitution to remove the president by impeachment who tried to be a tyrant as well as the means to remove a president who was unable to function in his office. I mention unable to serve because many believe President Biden’s cognizant ability has so deteriorated he has difficulty carrying on a coherent conversation. Many also believe Biden is a puppet of radical left advisors who are using his dementia to destroy the United States.
The founding fathers did a wonderful job of protecting the rights of God’s children. What they did not anticipate was eventually many in the United States would turn away from God and try to impose Godless false philosophies such as Karl Marx’s on others. The other thing they did not anticipate was their predecessors would seek office, not to serve the people, but to gain power and enrich themselves. When you think of people who used government service to enrich themselves you think of Obama, Biden and both Clintons.
Corrupt people who are in public office have no interest in impeaching like minded people, so when you have a Biden who is clearly breaking our immigration laws they have no interest in impeaching him because they think he will support them in their evil. Biden has done many things detrimental to the United States. If he can do these things in less than a year think of how much harm he can do if he serves four years. One of the first detrimental things he did was to cancel the oil pipeline that would help to keep the U.S. energy independent. Gas prices have skyrocketed since then along with transportation costs for all goods hurting everyone except the rich.
Biden announced to the world that he would not turn away any illegal immigrant. He is now bringing in thousands of sick people to infect our citizens along with drug dealers, other criminals and gang members and allowing drug smuggling to be rampant. Biden is breaking the law, but the decent citizens seem powerless to remove him from office. These Biden immigrants affect the safety of everyone in the U.S. which is apparently the Biden Regime’s plan.
Now the Biden Regime’s, and we use the term Regime, because we do not know who is in charge because of Biden’s diminished cognitive ability, has severely blotched the pull out of Afghanistan by not telling the Afghanistan Government they were leaving, leaving millions of dollars in weapons of war for the Taliban to use in their terrorist activities and leaving thousands of U.S. citizen stranded in Afghanistan. It seems too amateurish to be an accident. Could it be the Biden Regime planned all that to quickly destabilize Afghanistan to benefit the Taliban. It is known that the Biden Regime was having talks with the Taliban. Did they consult with the Taliban in planning the destabilization of Afghanistan?
We need a Constitutional Amendment for a recall election amendment to affect all federal office holders. That way the people could take down corrupt politicians, in spite of a large number of corrupt politicians supporting them. The other amendment we need to the constitution is a balanced budget amendment This would prevent politicians from spending more money to enrich themselves and bankrupting the country. Every child born in the U.S. comes into the world owing a national debt of $80,885.00 each before they see the light of day.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.