Is Donald Trump Meeting Expectations?

Trump promised a quick end to the war between Russia and Ukraine. That would be a good thing since it is devastating to the citizens of the countries involved in war. But what would be the long-term costs if Trump catered to the demands of Putin? We keep hearing that Ukraine needs to make concessions to end the war. Did not the world powers make concessions to Adolf Hitler hoping to avert a wider war before World War II? How did that work out? As I recall history, Hitler was soon bombing the countries that allowed him to invade smaller, weaker countries close to Germany.

Now we have a Hitler like person named Putin in control of Russia. Putin annexed Serbia and leaders in many nations did not want to get involved. That got Putin excited, so he decided to annex Ukraine. Now I hear rumors that Trump wants to cede part of Ukraine to Russia for them to stop fighting. I am sorry but I do not think that is right. If we did that it would only be temporary. Then Putin would be eyeing Poland or some other nearby country. What would happen if Russia invaded Alaska? Would we cede Alaska to Russia if they agreed to stop fighting? Trump’s negotiation with Putin reminds me of two school yard bullies agreeing to take the school lunch money of a smaller kid and dividing it up. Does Putin get the mineral rights of the land he invaded, and we get mineral rights to the rest of Ukraine? I do not see a great outcome for this “peace” deal.

Now for the rest of Trump’s meeting expectations. Biden was so senile he did not even show up. He and his Communist Advisors were trying to destroy the United States. Trump has a rather low bar to clear in being an improvement over the Biden Regime. We do not know if all the things Trump is trying to do will be a blessing to this country. Certainly, closing our borders to invaders and deporting criminals will be. Putting restraints on the climate control crazies will be. Reducing the size of government to be affordable for the taxpayers is an idea whose time has come. Cutting spending and trying to eliminate fraud has not been a government policy for many years and what’s not to like about this idea? Making government bureaucrats accountable to the taxpayers will be like living in paradise. Surely the Department of Education was detrimental to the well-being of students across our land.

After seeing our country on the brink of destruction under Joe Biden I am willing to give Trump some slack in his rescue efforts. We were in serious decline under Democrat Mismanagement. I am cheering for Donald Trump to make the United States a great nation again.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Ukranian Deal or Raw Deal

When Russia invaded Ukraine our country was controlled by the most incompetent regime in United States History. When the Russians started massing troops at the Ukrainian Border, the Democrats were too stupid to realize an imminent invasion was about to begin or too stupid to know what to do next. Now at this point the Russians are illegally occupying part of Ukraine and are still murdering Ukrainians daily.

When Donald Trump promised to end the war, I was excited. I thought he would put so much pressure on Russia they would with draw their troops. Now it looks like he is putting pressure on Ukraine with an ultimatum. Why did he not give the Russians and ultimatum? Oh, I forgot. They have big guns that can reach us. The meeting with Zalenski was a disaster. It seems no agreement was made in advance with Zalenski which is shocking to me. I believe Trump had said he saw no reason to meet with Z beforehand. Then the, so called, negotiation was presented before a nation TV audience with Trump and Vance seemingly ganging up on Z to look like they were bullying him. He kept asking for security guarantees which I felt was reasonable, which Trump refused to give. Then Trump tried to convince Z he really had no reasonable options and Vance accused Z of being ungrateful for the aid he had been given.

Trump likes to paint himself as a deal maker. What would Ukraine get out of the deal? It appears no agreement that the United States would defend Ukraine in case of another Russian attack. No guarantee the Russians would not try to take more territory. No guarantee the Russians would give up the territory they now occupy. The Trump Team met with the Putin team. We do not know what was promised. Did the Trump and Putin team agree that Russian could keep the territory they had seized if they stopped fighting? The Trump Team apparently did not meet with Z. Trump often said in recent history he was being treated unfairly. Was Z treated fairly? It appears Ukraine gets to give their mineral resources to pay back the aid the United States gave them. I am not sure what we promised Ukraine. Was there a previous written agreement that the aid would be paid back? If Russia stops fighting Ukraine will need billions to rebuild their country. How will they afford rebuilding their country and repaying the United States at the same time.

Is the real deal an agreement between Russia and the United States to divide up the mineral resources of Ukraine? I voted for Trump three times because I thought he was more competent that his opponent. I do not feel this fiasco was Trump’s finest hour.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Donald Trump 2.0

Donald Trump has surely hit the ground running. This is a wonderful thing because it is driving the Radical Leftists insane. The more of them we can get committed to mental institutions the easier it will be to save our country. If they are in mental institutions they cannot riot, set fires loot and look for radical leftist Judges the Democrats installed to ban Government from taking actions to save our country from them. Donald Trump has done a wonderful job of issuing Executive Orders to end the Executive Orders Joe Biden’s Communist Advisors got him to sign. I would be pleased if President Trump could get the Democratic Party labeled a domestic terror organization and also a cartel. With all the millions that poured into Joe Biden’s Pocket, along with other Democrats, from foreign entities the Democrat Party should surely qualify as a cartel. Their attempts to destroy our freedoms should make them eligible for the title of terrorist organization.

Donald Trump is putting a stop to the Democratic Party’s abuse of children by using their control of Education to indoctrinate children into believing they can change their sex with an operation. Further under Democratic Rule these evil intentions were kept secret from parents. What corrupt educators were doing was Un-Godly and clearly child abuse. They could even, in some states, do child mutilations and keep it secret from the parents. Those so- called educators should go to prison for life.

My favorite thing that Donald Trump is doing is trying to prevent fraud and dismantle the hugely bloated and unnecessary government agencies through Doge. The Democrats are becoming hysterical. These bloated government agencies are part of their power base. The government workers are Union Members whose organizations contribute millions to Democratic Candidates each year. And we do not know if millions are being funneled to public office holders from recipients of government contracts and grants undetected. The things some of our government agencies are spending money on is shocking. It appears that lots of people are getting rich and not many are really being helped.

The Democrat’s Plan to destroy and bankrupt our nation by refusing to protect our borders from unlawful entry has been severely crippled. The Democrats are fighting back mostly through the news media they still control. They think people who do not agree with them, that is the majority who voted for Trump, are wrong and a danger to their plan to take over the government and make the United States a Socialist State controlled by them.

So far, I am pleased by what President Trump is trying to do. What concerns me is that the Democrats want to keep spending money like a drunken sailor and might get their way if they can get enough Republicans to go along with them. If that happens no amount of closing down agencies or shrinking government employment will make any difference.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Should the Democratic Party Be Designated a Domestic Terror Organization?

The people of the United States have been abused by the Democratic party for a long time. Finally, some Democrats have recognized this and voted Republican in the recent election allowing Donald Trump win by a landslide. Donald Trump, unlike most politicians who win, went to work immediately on carrying out his promises to the Citizens of the United States. He issued executive orders reversing the executive orders Joe Biden made in an effort to destroy the United States. He started reversing trade agreements the Democrats promoted that gave unfair advantages to our enemies and even our allies. He has made it plain that those countries who take advantage of us will pay heavy penalties.

He has been working on removing government over regulation that hampers economic development. He has been working to eliminate all the money flowing to Democratic Party Supporters for their unscientific green agenda. He is exiting us from organizations who use our money for propaganda purposes and to promote counties or organizations whose goal is to destroy us. He is working to end the corruption of the FBI and the Justice Department. He is trying to make the United States safe by making our military strong again. Trump will be a Commander in Chief, not a Commander in Retreat.

He will either do away with the Department of Education or turn it into an organization that supports parents in making sure their children are educated. Under Trump the United States should be energy independent again. He is even now closing the opens borders for illegals the Democrats promoted. Trump will stop the money giveaways to foreign interests that do not benefit our country’s interests. Trump is an advocate for shrinking our bloated government which we do not need nor can afford. The Democrats are screaming like a stuck pig as Trump attempts to dismantle their criminal organization. They see money and power leaving them. The Democrats were involved in so many criminal activities I do not believe they can be reformed. Joe Biden had millions flowing to his family and himself through businesses that seem to be money laundering organizations. Nancy Pelosi’s husband always seemed to know where to invest his money as if he had inside information. If we convicted the Democrats for all the crimes they committed while drawing a government salary we would likely not have enough federal prisons to house them.

After designating the Democratic Party as a Domestic Terror Organization, we should encourage the formation of a new political party made up of people who believe in the United States Constitution. Otherwise, the Republican Party would have total control and could easily become what the Democrat Party is currently.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The New “Hitler” Who Answers When the name Putin is Called.

Vladimir Putin, the dictator of Russian, who prefers the title of President, apparently has delusions of grandeur. He apparently wants to be a dictator of the world. His plan apparently is to invade smaller nations with the consent of the free world until has conquered every nation. When he tested his plan by annexation of Crimere, the “free nations” stood on the sidelines. This encouraged Putin so he decided to invade Ukraine next. This time Ukraine got a little more help from the free world than Putin expected as military aid came in from the nations of the free world.

In spite of Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine he has his apologists in the left-wing press and among leftist politicians. In their twisted view Putin is not really invading Ukraine, he is just reuniting a part of Russia that was historically part of the Russian Empire. And besides that, Ukraine wanted to become a part of Nato for protection against Russian Invasion. In the view of the twisted left this is a provocation to Putin for Ukraine to dare resist “reunification with Russia” and Putin had a right to order an invasion.

When the free world consented to invasion of Crimere by the Russians it brings to remembrance Great Britain’s Neville Chamberlain who tried to appease Adolf Hitler by letting him invade smaller nearby nations. After all, those people were much like the Germans so they must be Germans. If Hitler could incorporate them into Germany he would be satisfied, and the world would have peace. Soon however, Hitler would be sending airplanes to drop bombs on Great Britain. Crimere also reminds us that the Nation of the Republic of China is claimed by the Communists as part of China. And how does the “free world” including the United States respond. They do not even criticize the Communists for that act of aggression. Their rationale is likely if we criticize the Communists they might invade the Republic of China. Guess what? They have plans, when they think the time is right, to invade the Republic of China. They may have missed their opportunity when they had that Communist Puppet in the White House for four years.

My fears, from reading of likely plans of the Trump Administration, is they will try to cut a deal where Russian can keep the areas of Ukraine they currently occupy if they stop fighting. Then the Russians can regroup and attack another smaller nearby nation or resupply for another attack on Ukraine. Sounds like Biden’s military strategy of retreat and surrender or Chamberlain’s appeasement plan..

We need some tough talk from our leaders. The Ukrainians have been very resourceful in their fight against the Russians using inexpensive drones to inflict heavy damage to the Russians. If we were fighting a war, we would be using expensive missiles that cost millions and might take out one tank. Then we would be looking for a quick way to retreat. The tide may be turning in this war. The Russians have already removed their Navy from one area because of fear of attack. We should be telling Putin if he does not take his troops out of Ukraine, we will be supplying them with thousands of drones to do massive damage to the Russians. We should also tell Putin we will be putting massive economic sanctions in place to cripple the Russian economy if he does not recall his troops immediately. Contact with dissident groups in Russia should also be on the table. I feel confident that dissidents in Russia are looking for a means to rid their country of this evil tyrant.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of faith.

Hold Your Horses, Donald Trump

There is an old saying in the United States, Hold your horses. No one seems to know the origin of the saying. When I was a child my father used to borrow mules from his uncle, a farmer, to plow our large garden. He would load up a wagon with a plow and disk in the bed of the wagon, hook up the mules to the wagon and drive to our place. Some people used horses instead of mules. I learned a little about these beasts of burden. The horse or mule had a bridle on his head with reins hooked to them. If you pulled on the rein hooked to the left side of the bridle the animal’s head would be pulled to the left and the animal would go to the left making the wagon take a left turn and a right rein pull would take the wagon into a right turn. If you wanted the animals to stop you would pull the reins straight back and the animals learned to stop pulling when that happened. If you kept the reins taut the animals would stay where they were. If you got distracted and loosened the reins the animals would know from experience that a lose rein meant they would be going forward and would probably do so. If they did, they might injure someone getting off the wagon or out of a horse carriage. This is likely where the saying “hold your horses” came from. Today this slang term has come to mean stop or think through what you are going to do before you do it.

The Biden Regime appeared to be incompetent in nearly every thing it tried to do. I do not think it was incompetence. I think Biden had a lot of Marxists in his administration who were trying to destroy our country. We the people voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump and a Republican and Senate Majority to save our country from total destruction. Now I am concerned that President Trump will forget why we voted Republican.

The things we expect from the Republicans are border security, smaller government, lower taxes, control over inflation, the end of censorship, , the end of political lawfare, reduction of the national debt, a strong military to defend us, end to wasteful spending, the end of government over regulation and accountability for government workers who lie to the citizens or break our laws and accountability for non-government people who break our laws.

We need President Trump’s advisors to tell him to stop saying outrageous things like we may need to seize the Panama Canal or invade Greenland. Yes it was a dumb thing that President Carter did in giving the control of the Canal to Panama, but dumb things is what Democrats do. The question is whether what he did was illegal. If it was legal then we should not be talking about seizing it. Greenland may have lots of unmined resources and it may be a strategic place for us to have military bases but neither justify us invading Greenland. Russia’s Putin is trying to justify invading Ukraine, but he is an evil man has no right to do so. We did not vote for Donald Trump be an “American Putin”.

President Trump needs to spend his energy reversing all the things that the Democrat Criminals did to destroy the United States. To use another American slang term, we are not “out of the woods” until President Trump reverses all of Biden, and his Communist Advisors, attempts to destroy the United States.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Exciting Things We Hope for in 2025

After all we suffered under the Communist Puppet Joe Biden the bar for Donald Trump is not very high. We are hoping Trump will set the bar high and restore the United States into a nation of freedom, competence and prosperity. First order should be to close our borders to invaders from other lands. Then deport everyone who entered illegally. We do not have to send them back to their home countries. Nearly every one of them came through Mexico with the blessings of the Mexican government. Just take them to Mexico and release them at the border. Since the Mexican Government allowed them to cross our border, they should have the privilege of deciding what to do with them. We should play hardball on this. We should investigate every Democrat politician who supported this law-breaking action and charge the guilty with breaking the law. We may end up with most Democrat Politicians in jail but how would that be a bad thing?

Next should be Donald Trump issuing new executive orders to change every executive order Comrade Joe issued. If Comrade Joe had authority to issue executive orders, so does Donald Trump. Joe’s executive Orders had one goal and that was to help destroy the United States. China funneled a lot of money to Joe try to destroy the United States.

A lot of unlawful activity happened under Democrat Rule and those breaking the laws should be held accountable. I am not using the Democrats term “retribution” they use to try to avoid their being held accountable for their crimes. I am speaking of Justice for the People of the United States who were the victims of this abuse by the Democrats. The corrupt Joe Biden has been issuing pardons to Democrats for crimes they have not been charged with yet. That liar even issued a pardon for his son after saying he would not. A thorough investigation should be made of the FBI and Justice Department and where laws were broken those breaking the laws should be charged with a crime.

We need to reduce government spending and have a balanced budget amendment to our Constitution. We need to reduce our national debt. The next best way to do this, after a balanced budget amendment, is to greatly reduce government agencies and employment. Elon Musk drastically reduced the number of employees in his company and the company continued to thrive. This will also happen in government.

Our education system is mostly a propaganda movement. The suggestion we shut down the Department of Education sounds like a wonderful plan to me. We need to return education to educating students rather than indoctrinating them with Marxist Dogma. And speaking of Marxism we should stop trading with China.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

How to Destroy China

The majority of the people in the United States rejoiced when the evil Biden regime was dumped by the voters. Joe Biden’s family businesses received millions from China and other sworn enemies of the United States in exchange for Biden being their puppet. Nearly everything the Biden Regime did was detrimental to the United States. His infamous quote was, “we need a rising China.” The citizens voted for Donald Trump in part because they did not think Trump can be bought by foreign powers. We do not need a rising China. Biden needed a rising China so he could enrich himself by serving them.

Donald Trump has a great challenge in dealing with China. China got used to getting favors from the United States with Biden in charge. They even threatened the United States and worked deals with our enemies to our detriment. They will have severe withdrawal pains and our pro China leftist news media will start their pro-China propaganda campaign by claiming high tariffs on Chinese Goods will raise our prices and risk military attacks from the angry Chinese. Fear, or expected fear, is a big part of the leftist propaganda they are trying to sell us.

It has been my belief that the way to crush China is to cut off their funding. And where do they get most of their funding to build up their military and threaten us and smaller nations? Why it is from the profits they make from selling us their manufactured goods. Trump’s plan to raise tariffs on Chinese goods sounds like a good plan to me. In time the Chinese may be able to replace our trade with trade with other nations by buying up their leaders or promising aid that will never come.

If that will happen, we may need an alternative plan. I had to do a lot of research to come up with an alternative plan for China but I think I may have come with a workable plan. I contacted Soothsayers, Wizards, Witches, Warlocks, Astrologers, Occultists, Magicians, Seers, Diviners, Oracles, Psychics, Prophets, Palmists Fortune Tellers and Ouija Boards. I also read what some Historians have said about how great kingdoms in the world have self- destructed. I even tried to get an interview with the Devil but his personal secretary said he was unavailable because he was working with Democrats to come up with believable lies to explain why Kamela Harris lost the election.

The plan I came up with is so simple I am embarrassed that I had not thought of it before. Offer China something free! You know how something advertised as free gets attention. Advertisers have been known to advertise something as “free of extra charge” to get people to read their ads. Politicians have been re-elected for years by promising citizens free medical care, free rent supplements, free food stamps and free educational loan payoffs. Of course, those freebies are free to the people who get them but for us who are trying to pay our own way, we are the ones who get stuck with the bill. And we can no longer afford it.

You know how the Communist’s have so suppressed creativity in China they have to depend on stealing our ideas come up with anything that works. Let’s offer them free experts to help them make decisions. We can begin by offering to send Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Chuck Schummer, Nancy Pelosi. Cory Booker, Adam Schiff, Dr Fauci, Alejandro Mayorkas, The Squad, Pete Buttigieg and Christopher Wray. These people worked tirelessly and almost succeeded in destroying the United States in four years. We have thousands of bureaucrats in government who spend all their time trying to make our lives miserable. Let’s send them too. The Chinese cannot resist getting free advice. You may question whether these people would work their magic of destruction on China with same enthusiasm they had wrecking the United States. I am betting they would have their egos so massaged by being called experts they would love to “help” the Chinese. It would boast their egos to think that they would be considered experts. With their incompetence and the incompetence of the Communist Patry I feel confident that the Communist Regime would soon be History. That’s my plan and I’m sticking with it.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.


Wars and Rumors of Wars

The Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, in the Bible has this passage concerning the Latter Days. Verse 6 says, “And you shall here of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” I take it to mean, the way this passage is written, that the wars and rumors of wars shall last for an extended period. These are the conditions that exist in the last days before Jesus will come to reign on earth.

According to trusted surveys, 40 per cent of Democrat Voters do not believe in God, so this prophecy would mean nothing to them and they would blindly not recognize the signs of the times. So what should be the attitude of the majority of our citizens who still believe in God. Should we decide that these wars and rumors will happen and ignore the problem? Or should we recognize those who start wars or consider starting wars the enemies of God and oppose them? I vote for the latter.

There has been some talk that President Trump might agree to Russia keeping the land they invaded in Ukraine if they will agree to stop the war. I hope that is a rumor started by Trump’s enemies to discredit him. To appease the Russians would be a fool’s errand. How quickly people forget the lessons of history. Neville Chamberlain of England thought he could avoid war if he did not oppose Germany’s invasion of its smaller neighbors. Soon the Germans were dropping bombs on England. And them there is recent history. No nation dared stand in the way of Russia’s invasion of Crimea, fearing war and thinking that would satisfy the Russians. Now a few years later they are invading Ukraine. And should I mention Putin wants Alaska back? If Biden had been returned to the White House. he might have agreed.

I am not suggesting we should declare war on Russia but there are lots of things we could do to disable them. Economic sanction could put the hurt on Russia if our leaders would not be timid on using them. The Russians have secretly been using cyber attacks to harm us. I think it is not wrong for us to do the same to them and we should not restrain ourselves in going after them.

It is important we get it right how we will deal with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. If there are no consequences, they will them start invading the countries Russia controlled as an evil Communist Regime and then Alaska. And, of course, what is left of Ukraine. And who is watching how we deal with Russia? China, Iran and North Korea come to mind. If China sees us make concessions to the Russians, they will demand their takeover of Tawain since the people there are Chinese. And then all of Asia. Iran wants to control the Middle East and they would demand the United States recognize their rights. And North Korea thinks they should have control of South Korea and the nations around them and an imperialistic United States should stay away.

Trump talks about using tariffs to get us a fair shake in trade. I am in favor of that. I also think we should stop trading with China. Their policy if to destroy our way of life and they make it no secret. If we had leaders with the courage to take down Communism China we could probably do it by refusing to trade with them. They would not have the money to be able to build up their military to menace their smaller neighbors. Our national goal should be to break up China into a number of smaller nations without the power to bully their neighbors. Then if they wanted to be belligerent, they could fight each other.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Trump’s Mandate

Donald Trump received a mandate from the people of the United States in last month’s election to get rid of corruption, incompetence and waste in our government. This sounds like an impossible task. Even Superman would likely approach this challenge with fear and trembling. Superman used to fight for truth, justice and the American Way. This was apparently offensive to the millions of left leaning citizens here who hate all the freedoms we have because it interferes with their goal of getting power and helping themselves to our tax money. They pressured the Comic Book company into changing Superman’s mantra to truth, justice and a better tomorrow. Businessmen are easily manipulated because of fear of offending anyone. The old saying is I cannot give you a formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure and that is to try to please everyone. Budweiser learned that lesson recently when they promoted sexual deviants in their ads and millions stopped drinking their brew. The leftists talked the Comic Book Company into getting The American Way removed and inserting a better tomorrow. I am assuming this was a compromise. I suspect the radical leftists preferred the American Way be replaced with A Marxist Society.

Cancer was once considered incurable, but it is very treatable today. Getting rid of corruption, incompetence and waste seems like a daunting task. Already the Democrats are raising millions to fight every effort Trump will make to bring sanity back into our civilization. Reports have been that one government agency has 90 per cent of their employees not coming into the office. One report was an employee was running a business on taxpayer time and also getting paid in his government job. That is a good starting point to clean up waste and corruption. If 90 per cent of employees do not come into the office, are they really needed? Government has in a lot of cases provided job to lower the unemployment rate. I would not be surprised if someone does not discover a government agency that pays people to dig holes and them fill them up with the same dirt they dug out. Some of the claims we have heard is it costs the government thousands to “create a job”. The Democrats need big government to survive. Those government workers are union members who give huge campaign donations to the Democrats to protect their jobs. Government to too large and needs to be reduced.

There is too much duplication on government agencies. Why have to go to several government agencies to get things done when one should suffice? My wife is involved as a volunteer in Virginia with a non-profit service organization. Each year they have to file extensive state forms to be approved as a non profit and not have to pay taxes on money they raise to help people. And guess where they send the forms? To the Department of Argriculture and Consumer Services. We have a tax department. Why do they not process those forms? I am sure we would find that same type of lunacy in the federal government. Elon Musk bought a company and discovered he had thousands of people on the payroll that did nothing to justify their being on the payroll. I feel confident he will find many on the government payroll in the same situation. The Democrats will put up their goal line stand. They cannot survive without big government. They are a huge obstacle to draining the swamp.

Donald Trump wants to stop illegal invaders from crossing our borders. The Democrats are vowing to fight him to their last breath. They are costing us billions. The Democrats are claiming it will cost us billions to send these invaders home. What they are not telling us is it will cost us billions more to let them stay. The Democrats do not care about these invaders well being. They are only concerned about them voting Democratic and giving them power over our citizens.

After four years of the Biden Democrat Regime many countries do not fear or respect us and are even threating us. When we had our troops in Afghanistan and a few guys showed in pickup trucks with guns our Commander in Retreat, Joe Biden, went into full retreat. No nation has feared us since. I hope Trump does not go into a retreat mode as President. It might bring him praise from the Democrats, but we did not elect him to please the Democrats.

Both the Chinese, the Russians and North Korea have threatened us lately. I am hoping Trump will use all the sanctions he can muster against them. The Chinese have made no secret of their plans to destroy us by any means possible, to borrow a phrase from the Democrats in reference to Donald Trump. Should Donald Trump raise tariffs on Chinese Goods? No he should not. He should refuse to trade with them period. Without our money they receive from trade they could not bully smaller nations or build up their military to threaten us or other nations. Joe Biden so infamously said we need a rising China. No, we do not. Joe Biden needed a rising China to funnel money to his crime family, but the United States does not need threats from them. With a strong resolve we can bankrupt this evil regime, and we should. I hope President Trump will not cave in to Russian demands to steal Ukraine territory. I hope he will not be a latter-day Neville Chamberlain who caved into Hitlers demands only to find out later that he wanted more. We have the economic power to hurt Russia with sanctions. Let us do it.

The Democrats were relentless in their attacks on Donald Trump for eight years and he did not bend. We pray that Trump will stand tall and fight against corruption, incompetence and waste in government and win the war.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.